Page 37 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 37

Characterization  Quality Control

 Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies  LCMS-9030

 Molecular Weight Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Using   benefits

 the LCMS-9030 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer                                                         Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •  Trace quantities of impurities contained in pharmaceutical ingredients can be
                         measured with high sensitivity.
 Operating Principle and Features  Results
                       • Accurate mass information can be used to identify impurities in products.
 The LCMS-9030 is a Q-TOF mass spectrometer that includes both   Fig. 1 shows the TIC chromatogram, deconvoluted MS spectrum, and   • Deconvoluted spectra can be used to check the molecular weights in antibody drugs.
 quadrupole and time-of-flight separation systems, two types of   the MS spectrum measured from the intact mAb. A comparison of the
 mechanisms for separating ions. The system includes unique Shimadzu   mass values measured from the intact mAb to theoretical mass values   Culture
 technologies in a variety of locations for acquiring data with both high   confirmed that measured values were consistent with theoretical values
 sensitivity and high resolution, while also ensuring mass accuracy is   to a precision level of 25 ppm or less (Table 2). Protein Metrics Intact
 always stable. For example, it includes technology for increasing the ion   Mass Workflow software was used for the deconvolution of intact
 usage rate, machining technologies for manufacturing powerful and   mAb. The TIC chromatogram, MS deconvoluted spectrum, and MS
 finely detailed grating electrodes, technology for precision temperature   spectrum were also similarly analyzed for mAb subunit H and L-chains.
 control, and technology for optimizing the distribution of electric   Results from checking their molecular weights provided good values.
 potential values.
 Table 2   Comparison of Measured and Theoretical Mass Values
 Analytical Conditions  Sample name  NIST mAb
 1                                                                                                                 Purification
 Human IgG1K monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were dissolved in 50   Name  Expected mass  Mass
 mmol/L aqueous ammonium hydrogen carbonate solution to prepare a   G2F/G2F+Hex  148848  148850  1.8
 1 mg/mL standard solution (intact mAb). mAb subunits were prepared   G2F/G2F  148686  148688  1.9
 by adding 8 mol/L urea and a 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl buffer solution   G1F/G2F  148524  148525  1.0
 containing 50 mmol/L DL-dithiothreitol to 100 μg of the intact mAb to   G1F/G1F+Lys  148490  148489  -0.9
 reduce the antibodies to H and L-chains. Measurement conditions for   G1F/G1F  148362  148362  0.7
 the intact mAb and mAb subunits are indicated in Table 1.  G0F/G1F-GluNAc  147996  148000  3.5
 G0F/G1F+Lys  148328  148326  -1.4
 Table 1   Analytical Conditions  G0F/G1F  148199  148200  0.7
  [LC]  G0F/G0F-GlcNAc  147834  147837  3.2
 Column:  Restek C4  G0F/G0F-2GlcNAc  147631  147631  0.0                                                          Characterization
 (150 mm × 2.1 mm I.D., 5 µm)
 G0F/G0F+Lys  148165  148164  -1.5  Specifications
 Column oven:  50 °C (Intact), 85 °C (subunits)
 G0F/G0F  148037  148039  2.0
 Solvent A:  0.1 % formic acid/water
               Instrument                        LCMS-9030
 Solvent B:  0.1 % formic acid/acetonitrile
 Intact         Gradient:  0 % (0.5 min) → 5 % (3.0 min) →  Mass range  Quadrupole mass range:  m/z 10 to 2,000
         (Conc. B)  → 60 % (5.5 – 5.6 min) → 5 % (10 min)
 Subunits         Gradient:  0 % (0.5 min) → 15 % (1.5 min) →  TOF mass range:   m/z 10 to 40,000
         (Conc. B)  → 30 % (2.5 – 3.5 min) →
 → 45 % (7.5 – 8.5 min) →  Sensitivity  ESI positive  1 pg reserpine
 → 50 % (10.5 – 10.6 min) →
 → 15 % (15 min)                                 S/N > 1,000:1 (RMS) in MS mode
 Flowrate:  0.4 mL/min                           S/N > 10,000:1 (RMS) in MS/MS mode                                Quality Control
                                ESI negative     1 pg chloramphenicol
 Mode:  MS mode
 Intact  Subunits                                S/N > 1,000:1 (RMS) in MS mode
 TOF Start m/z:  1000.0000  800.0000  TIC Chromatogram  Deconvoluted Spectrum
 TOF End m/z:  4000.0000  4000.0000              S/N > 10,000:1 (RMS) in MS/MS mode
 Event Time (s):  5.0  2.0  Resolution (Quadrupole)  R < 0.8 u FWHM
 Pulser Inj. Times:  9993  3993
 Interface:  300 °C  Resolution (TOF)  ESI positive  30,000 FWHM at m/z 1,972
 Nebulizer gas:  3 L/min
                                ESI negative     30,000 FWHM at m/z 1,626
 Drying gas:  10 L/min
 Heating gas:  10 L/min  Mass accuracy  MS mode  < 1 ppm (peak to peak) at m/z 622.5662,                           Pharmacokinetics
 Mass Spectrum                                   NaI cluster (internal calibration)
 Fig. 1   NIST mAb Intact Results  MS/MS mode    < 2 ppm (peak to peak) at m/z 1072.2489 > 472.6719
                                                 NaI cluster (external calibration)
 Conclusion  Application Examples     Mass accuracy temperature stability  1 ppm/24 h, 18 to 28 °C at constant temperature
               Maximum acquisition rate          100 Hz
 Using the LCMS-9030 Q-TOF mass spectrometer with Protein Metrics   • Quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals  Polarity switching time  1 sec  Others
 software enables evaluation of molecular weights in biopharmaceuticals   • Identification of impurities
 with high sensitivity and high resolution to achieve consistently high   • Peptide mapping  Interface  Standard:  ESI
 precision.                                      Optional:  APCI, DUIS, CDS, Nano-ESI

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