Page 23 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 23

Characterization  Quality Control

 Protein Primary Structure Analysis  PPSQ-51A / 53A + MALDI-8020

 Accurate Peptide N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequencing Using   benefits

 a MALDI-TOF MS Mass Spectrometer and Protein Sequencer                                                            Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •   Obtain complete sequence coverage using PPSQ and MALDI-TOF MS systems in combination.
                       •  Enables more reliable and accurate amino acid sequencing.
 Operating Principle and Features  Results and Conclusion
                       •  MALDI-TOF MS enables direct analysis of cyclic peptides or peptides with blocked N-terminals.
 Using the PPSQ sequencer to analyze an amino acid sequence using   Large amounts of information about peptides and proteins can be
 Edman degradation, as described on the previous page (p. 20),     obtained from molecular weight data measured using a MALDI-TOF
 involves analyzing each amino acid one at a time, starting at the   MS system. The molecular weight data is useful for quickly judging   Culture
 N-terminal. That eliminates mass or database dependence and other   incorrect amino acid compositions and the presence of potential
 problems, but Edman degradation is not well suited to processing   degradations or modifications. The accurate average molecular weight
 information for long sequences due to decreased reaction efficiency.   of peptides can be determined easily by selecting an appropriate
 To achieve more accurate and reliable N-terminal amino acid sequence   matrix (Table 1). Even when using the MALDI-8020, a simple dedicated
 information, combine Edman degradation data with In Source Decay   linear mode system, mass is detected precisely within 20 ppm of the
 (ISD) results obtained using a MALDI-TOF MS system.  theoretical molecular weight.
 Amino acid sequencing by mass spectrometry involves using the   As shown in Table 2, N-terminal amino acid sequencing by either
 differences between fragment ion masses to determine the amino acid   MALDI-TOF MS or Edman degradation provides a significant benefit
 sequence of peptides. ISD increases the laser output to destabilize the   for identifying amino acid sequences. Of all the methods currently
 substance being analyzed and break it into fragments. That results in   available, N-terminal amino acid sequencing by Edman degradation   Purification
 obtaining a variety of fragments cleaved at the N-C α bond in peptides   remains the best method for determining the actual N-terminals of
 (typically C-ions). Based on the data obtained, amino acid sequences   proteins and peptides. ISD also provides a reliable means of obtaining
 are determined by either searching a database or by  De novo   sequence information, but matrix interference generally prevents
 sequencing. Database searching involves comparing the measured   it from being used to observe low-mass fragments relevant to
 mass values to the database, which is the quickest and easiest method,   N-terminals. Fig. 2 shows results from BNP analysis using a combination
 but results depend on the data included in the database. In contrast,   of PPSQ and MALDI-8020 systems. Only a portion of the sequence
 De novo sequencing does not use a database, though it does involve   can be determined using either one of these methods, but accurate
 complicated data analysis that requires experience and proficiency.  sequence information can be obtained for the entire length by using
 Therefore, using software such as Mass++ can be helpful, because it   both in a complementary way.
 eliminates the need to analyze data manually.                                                                     Characterization

 Measurement Method  Table 1   Theoretical and Measured Masses for BNP  PPSQ-51A/53A Gradient System  MALDI-8020
 Peptide  Expected mass  Measured mass  Mass accuracy
 B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), a diuretic and vasodilatory hormone   BNP  5038.6  5038.5  20
 (Fig. 1) comprising 45 cyclic peptide residues, was used as the sample.   Specifications
 To analyze the disulfide bonds that form the cyclic portions, the PPSQ
 sequencer requires reduction and alkylation, but MALDI-TOF MS   Table 2   Summary Table of Attributes Determined by PPSQ-50 Gradient System and MALDI-8020  Instrument  MALDI-8020
 enables direct analysis because samples can be reduced on the plate.
 Attribute  PPSQ-50 series  MALDI-8020
               Mass range             m/z 1 to 500,000
 N-terminal sequencing
 Internal, or C-terminal sequencing  Mass resolution  > 5,000 FWHM                                                 Quality Control
 Differentiation of isobaric amino acids
 Avoidance of databases  Sensitivity  > 250 amol
 Ease of data interpretation (sequence)  Mass accuracy  < 20 ppm with internal calibration, < 150 ppm with external calibration
 Ease of use
               Acceleration voltage   15 kV
 Speed of analysis
 Intact mass determination  Laser     Solid-state laser
               Wavelength             355 nm
               Repetition frequency   50, 100, or 200 Hz (variable)
               Flight distance        850 mm                                                                       Pharmacokinetics
 Fig. 1   Structure of Cyclic BNP Peptide
               Detector               Electron Multiplier
               Ion source cleaning    Includes automatic cleaning functionality (depending on built-in solid-state laser)
 Edman degradation amino acid sequencing results   Operating noise  < 55 dB
 ISD results   Main unit power supply  Single-phase 120 to 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1,500 VA max

 Amino acid identified by indicated method only  Dimensions  W 600 mm × D 745 mm × H 1,055 mm (excluding protrusions)

 Amino acid identified by both methods                                                                              Others
               Weight                 86 kg
 Fig. 2   Determining BNP Sequence by Combination of Both ISD and Edman Degradation Sequencing  Operating environment  Temperature: 18 to 28 °C     Humidity: Max. 70 % (with no condensation)
               Note: Refer to page 21 for details of PPSQ.

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