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Characterization                Quality Control

                     Analysis of Product Peptide Fragments                                                                              LC-2060 Series

                                       Using Integrated UHPLC System with High                                                                             benefits

                               Repeatability for Mapping Peptides in Antibody Drugs                                                                                                                                                          Cell Line Optimization
                                                                                                 click here                                     •   Easy-access, front-panel interface ensures easy operation, even when wearing gloves.
                                                                                                                                                •   Can be connected to a mass spectrometer.
                     Operating Principle and Features
                                                                          10 mg/mL Human IgG in water 20 µL                                     •   Provides data with high repeatability.
                     Using  HPLC  for  peptide  mapping  requires  a  system  with  high   6 mol/L Guanidine hydrochloride in
                     repeatability, because the analysis involves comparing elution profiles   0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 80 µL
                     to confirm whether peptides are identical or have mutations. LC-2060   0.5 mol/L Dithiothreitol in water 2 µL                                                                                                           Culture
                     series integrated UHPLC systems are ideal for such analysis.
                                                                         Incubate at 37 ˚C for 30 min
                     Measurement Method and Conditions                         0.5 mol/L Iodoacetamide in water 4.8 µL

                     Samples were prepared by reduction, alkylation, and then trypsin   Incubate at room temperature for 30 min in the dark
                     enzyme digestion of human immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fig. 1) and   0.5 mol/L Dithiothreitol in water 2 µL
                     analyzed according to the analytical conditions in Table 1.
                                                                               0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 700 µL
                     Results                                                   1 mg/mL Trypsin in 1 mmol/L HCl 4 µL

                     The chromatogram from the trypsin-digested IgG shows that an   Incubate at 37 ˚C for 20 hours                                                                                                                           Purification
                     extremely large number of peaks are detected and separated (Fig.   Tri uoroacetic acid 1 µL
                     2). For peptide mapping, an extremely long gradual gradient is used   Inject to UHPLC
                     to separate the many peaks. Consequently, results tend to have
                     poor repeatability, especially if using a low-pressure gradient system.   Fig. 1   Pretreatment Process Flow
                     Therefore, the intra-day and inter-day repeatability were also checked.   4.5 mAU (×10)
                     Key peaks (a to f) were selected from the chromatogram. Intra-day
                     repeatability was calculated from six consecutive analysis results. Inter-  4.0
                     day repeatability was calculated from the daily average values of three
                     analyses on each of six days (Tables 2 and 3). Both the intra-day and   3.5
                     inter-day repeatability values indicated good reproducibility.                                                                                                                                                          Characterization
                                                                        3.0                                                             Specifications
                                    Table 1   Analytical Conditions
                     Column:          Aeris PEPTIDE XB-C18 100 Å                                                                         Instrument            LC-2060 series
                                      (150 mm × 2.0 mm I.D., 1.7 μm)
                     Mobile phase A:  0.1 % Trifluoroacetic acid in water  2.0                                                           Degassing unit        Five Lines: Mobile phase 4 + Rinse solution 1
                     Mobile phase B:  0.08 % Trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile                                                        Pumping method        Parallel-type double plunger
                     Time Program:    0 % (0 min) → 45 % (90 min) →     1.5
                      (B. Conc.)      → 100 % (90.01 – 95 min) →                                                                         Pulsation             Max. 0.1 MPa (1.0 mL/min, 10 MPa, Water)
                                      → 0 % (95.01 – 110 min)           1.0
                     Flowrate:        0.2 mL/min                                                                                         Flowrate setting range  0.0001 to 10 mL/min
                     Column Temp.:    60 °C                             0.5                                                              Configuration         Four-solvent low-pressure gradient                                            Quality Control
                     Injection Volume:  10 µL
                     Detection:       PDA (215 nm)                      0.0                                                              Gradient settings     0 to 100 %, in 0.1 % steps
                     Flow Cell:       High-speed high-sensitivity cell
                                                                          0.0     25.0    50.0     75.0 min                              Maximum pressure      70 MPa  0.0001 to 3 mL/min
                                                                            Fig. 2   Chromatogram of IgG Trypsin Digestion Products
                     Conclusion                                             Table 2   Intra-day Repeatability of Retention Times (n = 6)  System delay volume  460 µL
                                                                   Peak             Avg. R.T. (min)  Std. Dev. (min)  %RSD (%)           Autosampler
                     LC-2060 series systems provide data with excellent repeatability even   Peak a  9.929  0.027  0.271                 Injection method      Total-volume sample injection
                     when using analytical conditions prone to cause poor repeatability in   Peak b  24.669  0.047  0.192
                     low-pressure gradient systems. They can also be connected to a mass   Peak c  36.299  0.042  0.117                  Injection volume setting range  0.1 to 50 μL (Option: 0.1 to 100 μL, 1 to 500 μL, 1 to 2,000 μL)
                     spectrometer for peptide mapping.             Peak d           48.815   0.033    0.068                              Injection cycle time  Min. 14 sec (Specified condition)                                             Pharmacokinetics
                                                                   Peak e           59.864   0.032    0.054
                     Application Examples                          Peak f           74.535   0.043    0.057                              Samples for processing  336 vials (1 mL), 216 vials (1.5 mL), 112 vials (4 mL), 4 sample plates
                                                                                                                                         Sample cooler         4 to 45 °C
                     • High-sensitivity analysis using a fluorescence detector  Table 3   Intra-day Repeatability of Retention Times (n = 6)  Column oven
                     • Various UHPLC analyses                      Peak             Avg. R.T. (min)  Std. Dev. (min)  %RSD (%)
                                                                   Peak a           9.907    0.016    0.159                              Heating and cooling method  Forced air circulation method
                                                                   Peak b           24.708   0.033    0.132
                                                                                                                                         Containable column size  6 columns 10 cm long and 3 columns 30 cm long                              Others
                                                                   Peak c           36.355   0.034    0.093
                                                                   Peak d           48.877   0.034    0.093                              Temperature control range  Room temperature - 12 to 90 °C, Setting range 4 to 90 °C
                                                                   Peak e           59.901   0.027    0.046
                                                                   Peak f           74.555   0.036    0.049                              Flowrate switching valve  Max. 1 pc

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