Page 21 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
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Characterization  Quality Control

 Protein Primary Structure Analysis  PPSQ-51A / 53A

 N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequencing of Mouse   benefits

 IgG Using PPSQ-51A/53A Gradient System                                                                            Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •  Amino acids can be sequenced accurately with extremely high data reliability.
                       •   Ile and Leu residues with identical masses can be differentiated and the presence and
 Operating Principle and Features  IgG derived from mouse   position of S-S bonds can also be determined.
 serum 2 pmol
 The PPSQ protein sequencer automates the Edman degradation   •  Proteins can be analyzed directly, which makes operations extremely easy.
 Although using Edman degradation to determine amino acid   SDS-PAGE (Gel concentration                            Culture
 sequences is very time-consuming, the reliability of the resulting amino   4-12 % Bis-Tris gel)
 acid sequences is very high, making it especially useful for protein
 amino acid sequencing when no database has been built. PTH-amino   H-chains
 acids obtained by Edman degradation are analyzed by isocratic or   Electroblotting (tank type)

 gradient elution.  on a PVDF membrane  L-chains
 Measurement Method and Conditions
 CBB staining, destaining
 To operate the sequencer, proteins or peptides to be analyzed are
 applied to a glass filter treated with polybrene or transferred to a PVDF                                         Purification
 membrane. After electrophoresis, they are stained and placed in the   Amino acid sequencing
 reactor with an excised protein spot. After that, they can be analyzed   using the PPSQ
 automatically. In this example, samples were prepared by reducing 2   Fig. 1   Protocol for Analysis  Fig. 2   PVDF Membrane after Electroblotting
 pmol of IgG from mouse serum, separating that into H and L-chains by
 SDS-PAGE, transferring the chains onto a PVDF membrane, staining,
 destaining, and then excising the resulting bands (Fig. 1 and 2). The   Table 1   Analysis Conditions (Gradient System)
 IgG is reduced and separated into H and L-chains. The H and L-chains   Column:  Wakopak Wakosil PTH-GR
 were separated and purified based on conditions indicated in Table 1   (S-PSQ, 250 mm×2.0 mm I.D.)
 and then their amino acid sequences were analyzed (Fig. 3).  Mobile phase A:  PTH-amino Acids Mobile Phase A
 (for Gradient Elution)
 Mobile phase B:  PTH-amino Acids Mobile Phase B
 Results  (for Gradient Elution)                                                                                   Characterization
 Flowrate:  0.3 mL/min                              PPSQ-51A/53A Isocratic System
 The  amino acids in L-chains can be identified to 13 residues from   Column Temp.:  35 °C
 the N-terminal, as Asp-Ile-Gln-Met-Thr-Gln-Ser-Pro-Ala-Ser-Leu-Ser-  Detection:  SPD-M30A (269 nm)
 Ala(Val). A database search confirms that the sequence is for an   Flow Cell:  High Sensitivity Flow cell  Specifications
 immunoglobulin kappa light chain (Fig. 2).
               Instrument                          PPSQ-51A                        PPSQ-53A
               Reaction method                                  Edman degradation
               Reaction time                     46.5 min/cycle                    48 min/cycle                    Quality Control
               Number of reactors                    1                                3
 Cycle 1       Sample retention method                8 mm diameter glass fiber disc or PVDF membrane
               Reactor temperature control range              Room temp. +10 to 60 °C
 Cycle 2       Converter temperature control range            Room temp. +10 to 70 °C
 Cycle 3
               Number of samples/solvents                             7
 Cycle 4
               Sample/solvent supply method                      N2 gas pressure
 Cycle 5       Dimensions                                 W 510 mm × D 500 mm × H 540 mm
               Weight                               43 kg                            45 kg                         Pharmacokinetics

 Fig. 3   Chromatogram of L-Chain (Raw Chromatogram from First Cycle and Difference Chromatograms from Cycles 2 to 5)  Elution method  Isocratic or gradient system
               Mobile phase                Special eluent specifically for Shimadzu protein fully-automated protein sequencers*
 Conclusion  Application Examples
               Reaction reagent              Reagent specifically for Shimadzu protein fully-automated protein sequencers*
 PPSQ-51A/53A systems can determine N-terminal sequences easily and   • Identifying the primary sequence of peptides  Column  Column specifically for amino acid sequencing*
 accurately. The gradient system can detect peaks with approx. 3 to   • Identifying the presence and position of S-S bonds  Others
 5 times higher overall peak height than when using isocratic elution,   • Identifying post-translational modifications  Power requirement  Single-phase 120-230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1,500 VA max
 which means amino acid sequences can be determined for even trace   Nitrogen gas  Min. 99.9999 % purity
 quantities of protein.
               * Available for purchase from Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation.

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