Page 18 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
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Culture               Purification            Characterization

                     Automating Steps from Preparative Purification to Product Evaluation                                               Prominence Inert LC System + LH-40 Liquid Handler

                            Seamless Analysis from Purification of IgG in                                                                                  benefits

                                Human Blood Plasma to SEC Evaluation                                                                                                                                                                         Cell Line Optimization
                                                                                                                                                •   By selecting the target peak after fractionation, fractions can be automatically reinjected for analysis.
                                                                                                                                                •   A  column switching valve allows automatic switching between columns for
                     Operating Principle and Features                                                                                             purification or analysis.
                                                                             Table 1   Analytical Conditions of Affinity Purification
                     Sodium chloride and other halogen ions essential for biopharmaceutical   Column:  HiTrap rProtein A FF (1 mL)              •   Useful for optimizing cultivation parameters or other scenarios that involve
                     analysis are highly corrosive to metals. To eliminate this concern, the   (made by Cytiva)
                     Prominence inert LC system uses PEEK or other polymer materials for   Mobile phase A:  10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate          comparing large numbers of samples.                                                        Culture
                     all parts in contact with liquids, thereby ensuring worry-free operation.   Mobile phase B:  buffer pH 6.9
                                                                                     100 mmol/L (sodium) citrate
                     The liquid handler (LH-40) is an integrated autosampler and fraction   buffer pH 4.0                                                                           Compatible with 96-well plates and a wide
                     collector. That means samples acquired during the first analysis can   Time Program (B. Conc. ):  0% (0 – 10 min)                                              variety of test tubes and other containers
                     be injected directly into the second analysis without having to transfer       100% (10.01 - 20 min)
                     them from a fraction collector. For example, with this system, the   Flowrate:      0% (20.01 – 35 min)
                                                                                     1.0 mL/min
                     target protein is purified by an affinity column and fractionated at the   Column Temp.:  15 °C
                     first step, and the fractionated protein is re-injected for SEC analysis at   Injection Volume:  5 mL
                     the second step. These two steps can be done by just specifying the   Detection:  SPD-20A (280 nm)
                     method and fraction.                              Flow Cell:    Inert flow cell
                     Measurement Method and Conditions                        Table 2   Analytical Conditions of SEC analysis                                                                                                                Purification
                                                                       Column:       Shim-pack Bio Diol-300
                     5 mL of commercial human plasma was diluted 5-fold with mobile   (300 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
                     phase in a 15 mL tube and the tube was placed in the LH-40 rack.   Guard Column:  Shim-Pack Bio Diol-300 (G)
                     This sample was purified by affinity chromatography with an IgG   (30 mm × 8.0 mm I.D., 5 µm)
                     purification column following the conditions in Table 1. The elution   Mobile phase A:  10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate
                                                                                     buffer pH 6.9
                     fractions were collected on the 96-deep-well plate set in the liquid   Flowrate:  0.5 mL/min
                     handler. Then, 100 μL of the fraction involving the peak's top point   Column Temp.:  15 °C
                     was analyzed by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) following the   Injection Volume:  100 µL
                     conditions in Table 2.                            Detection:    SPD-20A (280 nm)
                                                                       Flow Cell:    Inert flow cell                                                                                                                                         Characterization
                                                                                                                                                               System controller           CBM-20A
                     The IgG peak obtained from affinity purification in step 1 and the   250  Peak 2  UV 280nm                                                Solvent delivery unit       Two LC-20Ai units
                     peak obtained by SEC analysis in step 2 (Fig. 1) were evaluated by   225
                     performing SDS-PAGE. That resulted in detecting H and L-chain bands   200                                                                 Degassing unit              DGU-20A5R
                     for the target IgG (Fig. 2).                          150      Peak 1                                                                     Column oven                 CTO-20AC
                     Conclusion                                            100                                                           Prominence inert LC system  Mixer                 PEEK mixer                 228-45093-92
                                                                            50                                                                                 UV-VIS detector             SPD-20A                                           Quality Control
                     By simply setting a sample to the liquid handler (LH-40) installed in   25
                     the LC system, the system can not only purify the sample, but also   0                                                                                                Flow cell for inert LC system  228-33338091
                     seamlessly further analyze fractions from the sample. For routine   0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 min                           High-pressure flow channel switching   FCV-12AHi
                     work with a prespecified target, it is possible to analyze only the   Fig. 1   Chromatogram of SEC analysis                               valve
                     target fraction. By adding a column switching valve and increasing the                                                                    VP option box                                          228-65512-58
                     number of columns, the system can also be used to screen purification   Human After affinity   SEC
                     parameters or purify samples in multiple steps. After fractions are   plasma purification  Peak1 Peak2                                    LH-40 liquid handler, main unit                        228-65506-41
                     collected in a 96-well plate, they can be used directly for SDS-PAGE,   kDa                                                               LH valve kit, preparative                              228-75605-42
                     ELISA, or various other analytical methods.        220
                                                                        170                                                                                    Syringe kit, 20 mL                                     228-64173-44           Pharmacokinetics
                     Application Examples                               116                                                                                    Sample coil, 5 mL                                      228-39389-94
                                                                                                        H-chain                          LH-40 liquid handler  Analysis kit                                           228-75587-41
                     • Discovering and checking the quality of proteins in cell cultures  53
                     • Optimizing cultivation parameters                                                                                                       Rinse pump                                             228-75586-41
                     • Evaluating proteins in blood                                                     L-chain                                                Sample rack                                            228-75268-41
                                                                                                                                                               Rack kit, D16                                          228-75604-49
                                                                                                                                                               Rack kit, MTP                                          228-75604-40           Others

                                                                                                                                         Examples of SEC analytical   Shim-Pack Bio Diol-300  (300 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm)  227-31010-04
                                                                                Fig. 2   SDS-PAGE (Reducing) Results                                           Shim-Pack Bio Diol-300 (G)  (30 mm × 8.0 mm I.D., 5 µm)  227-31010-06

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