Page 27 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
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Characterization  Quality Control

 Easily Determine Protein Secondary Structures  IRTracer-100

 Analysis of Protein Secondary Structures  benefits

 —Analysis on Changes of Secondary Structures in Egg White Proteins Caused by Thermal Denaturation—                Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •   By using a heatable three-reflection ATR accessory, infrared spectra can be obtained
                         from proteins in a heated environment.
 Operating Principle and Features  40℃
 0.06  50℃             •   Slight variations in infrared spectral shapes can be shown clearly by calculating the
 Multiple absorption peaks from C=O stretching vibration of peptide   Abs  80℃
 100℃                    second derivative of infrared spectra obtained.
 bonds overlap to appear as a broad peak near 1650 cm  (amide I   0.04
 band). Analyzing the peaks can provide information about the protein   •   The secondary structures of proteins can be analyzed by separating amide I band   Culture
 secondary structures. Each absorption band in the overlapping group   peaks in second-derivative spectra.
 of absorption bands can be determined by a curve-fitting process that
 optimizes peak information (position, intensity, and FWHM) for the   1700  1675  1650  1625  1600
 cm -1
 curve being fit to each absorption band, so that the difference between   Fig. 1   Infrared Spectra of Amide I Band in Egg White
 the calculated and measured spectra is minimized. The calculated
 spectra are commonly based on the Lorenz or Gaussian curve fitting.   Analysis Using Second-Derivative Spectra
 The following describes the process for observing the secondary   Evaluating second-derivative spectra can be helpful when investigating
 structural changes that occur due to thermal denaturation of proteins   variations in the secondary structure of proteins (α-helix, β-sheet, β
 based on the second-derivative spectrum and peak separation.  -turn, and random coil structures). The second-derivative spectrum (Fig.
 2) determined from Fig. 1 confirmed that thermal denaturation was                                                 Purification
 Measurement Method  causing an increase in β-sheet structures near 1693 cm  and 1622
    cm , and β-sheet structures near 1637 cm  and α-helix structures
 Egg white was used for the sample because it consists primarily   near 1655 cm  to untangle. The peak shift due to thermal denaturation
 of proteins. 60 μL  samples  were measured using a MicromATR   suggests the status of hydrogen bonds may have changed.
 measurement accessory with a heatable three-reflection ATR prism
 (diamond/ZnSe) installed. Since egg white hardens when heated, the
 three-reflection ATR prism was used because it can also be used to
 measure solid samples. Due to overlapping between amide I and water
 vapor peaks, the optical system was purged with dry air. Given the   Decreases
 measurement conditions in Table 1, a temperature controller was used
 to increase the prism temperature from 40 to 100 °C in 10 °C steps,   Increases                                   Characterization
 with each temperature setting held for two minutes after placing drops   Random   Increases
 of egg white to ensure adequate heat transfer before measuring. To   β -Sheet  β -Turn  α-Helix  Coil   β -Sheet
 eliminate the effects of moisture in the egg white, analysis was based on
 difference spectra calculated by subtracting the spectrum for water at   Fig. 2   Second-Derivative Spectra of Spectra in Fig. 1
 each temperature.  Amide I Band Peak Separation  Specifications
 Based on the peak wavenumber and area value for each amide I
 Table 1   Measurement Conditions  Instrument  IRTracer-100
 band peak separated (measurement parameters in Table 2), secondary
 Resolution  4 cm -1
 structures were attributed to each peak and the ratio of secondary   Interferometer  Michelson interferometer (30° incident angle)
 Accumulation  100
 Apodization function  Sqr-Triangle  structures was determined (Table 3). The resulting tendency for   β  Equipped with Advanced Dynamic Alignment system  Quality Control
 Zero filling  4 times  -sheet structures to increase and   α -helix structures to decrease   Sealed interferometer with Automatic Dehumidifier
 Detector  DLATGS  matched the tendencies in the second-derivative spectrum.  Optical system  Single-beam optics
               Beam splitter          Germanium-coated KBr for Middle IR (Standard)
 Table 2   Conditions for Curve Fitting
 Results and Discussion               Germanium-coated CsI for Middle/Far IR (Optional)
 Peak curve type
 Gaussian function
                                      Silicon-coated CaF2 for Near IR (Optional)
 Baseline  Offset 1 Pt
 The difference spectra  between  egg white and  water  at  each
 Range  1710 to 1580 cm -1  Light source  High-energy ceramic for Middle/Far IR (Standard) with 3 years guaranteed
 temperature showed an increase in prominent peaks near 1625   Max. error  0.01%  Tungsten lamp for Near IR (Optional)
 cm  and 1675 cm  at 60 °C or higher temperatures (Fig. 1 is an
 enlargement of the 1700 to 1600 cm  area). That confirmed its   Detector  DLATGS detector with temperature control for Middle/Far IR (Standard)
 Conditions for Curve Fitting         MCT (Hg–Cd–Te) with liquid nitrogen cooling for Middle/Near IR (Optional)    Pharmacokinetics
 correlation with thermal denaturation.
 α-helix  β-sheet  β-turn  Random coil  InGaAs for Near IR (Optional)
 40 °C  30.3 %  37.9 %  16.4 %  15.4 %          -1
 Conclusion  100 °C  15.1 %  47.6 %  29.7 %  7.7 %  Wavenumber range  7,800 to 350 cm  (Standard)
                                      12,500 to 240 cm  (Optional)
 An FTIR spectrophotometer makes it easy to predict the changes in   Resolution  0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 cm  (Middle/Far IR)
 secondary structures due to thermal denaturation of proteins. It can   Application Examples (Shimadzu Application News No.)   2, 4, 8, 16 cm  (Near IR)
 contribute to protein modification technology, such as improving the   Dimensions  W 600 mm × D 665 mm × H 295 mm
 thermal properties of proteins with a known structure by heating them   • Predicting secondary structures in proteins  Others
 to add structural mutations to structures that are prone to unfolding.  • Predicting the locations of mutations in proteins  Weight  47 kg
 • Evaluation of amyloid-β aggregation (A619)
               Measurements           Spectrum measurement, continuous measurement, atmospheric correction measurement, continuous
                                      measurement using ASC, simple measurement mode
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