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                                                                                       Sponsored Feature       9

            Glycans  Addressing both fast screening and full profiling

            Full Characterization and Monitoring

            At later stages of biotherapeutics development, full characterization of glycan profile is
            required in order to define the reference glycan profile of a product for later QA/QC.
            High-resolution chromatography is needed for in-depth characterization, in order to
            separate and identify structural isomers that pose a health risk, e.g. alpha-1,3 galactose.
            Retention time gives reliable identification, and reproducibility of chromatography is
            the key driver for method selection.

                Purified        Enzymatically       Label              HPLC
                Protein        Release Glycan      and Purify         LC/MS

                                                              Glycan standard  R.T. %RSD       Area %RSD
                                                              2-AB Man5       0.273            0.743
                                                              2-AB G2         0.245            0.684
                                                              2-AB G2FS1      0.196            0.589
                                                             Reproducibility of HILIC mode glycan separation, tested with 2-AB labeled
                                                             glycan standard (40 fmol each)

               Application News:                                                                  Fluorescence HPLC
               High-Sensitivity Analysis of                                                   chromatogram of labelled
               2-AB Glycans by RF-20Axs                                                     glycan mixture derived from
               Florescence Detector                                                              monoclonal antibody

                 Application  High Performance Liquid Chromatography
                 News  High-Sensitivity Analysis of 2-AB Glycans by RF-20Axs
                   Florescence Detector
                 Glycans, present in antibody-drug products have an   Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                 effect on their safety and efficacy, therefore requiring   System  Column   : Prominence : TSKgel Amide-80 (150 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 3 µm)
                 that the types and quantities of the glycans present be
                 investigated. Due to the culture conditions, the diversity     Mobile Phase : A: 50 mmol/L Ammonium formate pH 4.4
                       B: Acetonitrile
                 and heterogeneity of the glycan structures cannot be   Time Program  : B.Conc. 73 % (0 min) → 60 % (48 min) → 0 % (49 - 53 min)
                 avoided so their management must be implemented   Flowrate   : 0.4 mL/min (0 - 48 min, 58.01 - 80 min)
                      → 73 % (54 - 80 min)
                 during the production process.
                 In Application News No. L452, the analysis of a       0.2 mL/min (48.01 - 58 min)
                     Column Temp. : 40 °C
                 pyridylamino (PA)-glycan using a fluorescence detector   Injection Vol.  : 2 µL
                 was  intr oduced.  Her e,  the  analysis  of  a   Detection   : Ex 330 nm, Em 420 nm
                 2-aminobenzamide-labelled glycan (2-AB glycan) is   Flow Cell   : Conventional cell
                 introduced. As in Application News No. L452, the   *Preparation of Mobile Phase A
                 world's highest sensitivity fluorescence detector, the RF-  water, about 340 µL formic acid was added to obtain a pH of 4.4.
                     After dissolving 3.15 g (50 mmol) ammonium formate in 1 L distilled
                 20Axs, was used for detection.
                 n Analysis of Low Concentration Standard Solution
                 In this study, the fluorescent-labeled glycans that were   mV  (×0.1)
                 used include 2-AB Man-5, 2-AB G2, and 2-AB G2FS1   1.00
                 (Prozyme). Their structures are shown in Fig. 1.  ■ Peaks
                 The analytical conditions that were used are shown in   1. 2-AB Man5, 2. 2-AB G2, 3. 2-AB G2FS1
                 Table 1. The glycans were separated using hydrophilic   0.75
                 interaction chromatography (HILIC). Fig. 2 shows the
                 results of analysis of a 0.5 nmol/L standard solution   0.50
                 using a 2 µL (1 fmol) injection. As can be confirmed
                 from the obtained data, sufficient sensitivity is achieved
                 even using an ultralow amount injection. The limits of   0.25  1  2
                 detection (S/N=10) and quantitation (S/N=3.3),   3
                 respectively, are shown in Table 2.
                 2-AB Man5:
                 2-AB oligomannose 5  2-AB  0  10  20  30  40  min
                 2-AB labeled asialo-, galactosylated  2-AB  Fig. 2  Chromatogram of 1 fmol Each of 2-AB-Labeled Glycans
                 2-AB G2 (NA2):
                      (0.5 nmol/L each, 2 µL injection)
                 2-AB mono-sialylated-, galactosylated  2-AB  Table 2  Limits of Detection and Quantitation
                 2-AB G2FS1 (A1F):
                 biantennary, core-substituted with fucose
                      Glycan standard  LOD (fmol)  LOQ (fmol)
                 : Galactose  : Mannose  : Fucose  2-AB Man5  0.44  1.33
                 : N-Acetylglucosamine  : N-Acetylneuraminic acid  2-AB G2  0.45  1.36
                 2-AB: 2-Aminobenzamide  2-AB G2FS1  0.50  1.48
                 Fig. 1  Structures of 2-AB Glycans Used in This Study
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