Page 10 - Pharmaceutical M5 Biopharma
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10   Sponsored Feature

        Peptides  In-depth characterization of primary structure

        During process development and
        before entering clinical trials, the primary
        structure of a recombinant protein must be
        confirmed, and all potential PTMs must be
        characterized to assess the associated risk.
          Peptide  mapping  is  the  fundamental
        technique for this purpose, whereby the
        recombinant protein is enzymatically
        digested into peptide fragments that are
        chromatographically separated to give
        a  fingerprint  of  the  primary  structure.
        When  coupled to  mass spectrometry,
        peptide  mapping  can  also  give  precise
        identification of various PTMs, including
        oxidation,  deamidation,  disulfide  bond
        scrambling, C-terminal lysine truncation
        and N-terminal pyroglutamination.
          Shimadzu  offers  a  comprehensive
        portfolio  of  solutions  for  the  highly
        accurate confirmation of protein sequence,
        identification of modifications, and routine
        protein fingerprint monitoring for QA/
        QC,  using  Part  11  compliant  liquid
        chromatography and LC/MS systems.

           Purified           Enzymatic
           Protein             Digestion
                                                                Chromatogram of IgG Tryptic Digest

                                                                                Application News:
           Application News:                 Application News:                  Primary Structure Analysis
           Peptide Mapping of Antibody       N-Terminal Amino Acid              of Proteins / Peptides Using
           Drugs by Nexera-i                 Sequencing of IgG Antibodies       Protein Sequencer

             Application  High Performance Liquid Chromatography
             News  Peptide Mapping of Antibody Drugs by Nexera-i
             Peptide mapping by HPLC is one of the important quality   Table 1 shows the analytical conditions. Here, the Aeris
             assurance tests used for verifying the primary structure   1.7 µm PEPTIDE XB-C18 100 Å small-particle core-shell
                 column and the Nexera-i integrated UHPLC system was
             of antibody drugs. Typically, following enzymatic
             digestion of the antibodies, separation is conducted   used. Mobile phase A was 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid
             using a traditional reversed phase column. Due to the   (TFA) in water and mobile phase B was 0.08 % TFA in
                 with TFA, an optional 300 µL mixer was used.
             of small-particle columns and core shell columns for   acetonitrile. To ensure proper gradient performance
             large number of peaks that require separation, the use
             peptide analysis has spread in recent years.   Fig. 2 shows the chromatogram of IgG tryptic digest, in
             In order to compare elution profiles for identity and   which an extremely large number of peaks are clearly
             mutation confirmation, a highly repeatable system is   separated.
             required. The Nexera-i integrated UHPLC is the ideal
             system for such an analysis. Here, the Nexera-i is used
             in the analysis of IgG (human immunoglobulin G)
             tryptic digest.  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                 Column   : Aeris 1.7 µm PEPTIDE XB-C18 100 Å
                      (150 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 1.7 µm)
                   Mobile Phase     B: 0.08 % trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile
                  : A: 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid in water
             n Analysis of IgG Tryptic Digest  Time Program    Flowrate  Column Temp.  : B.Conc. 0 % (0 min) → 45 % (90 min)
                    → 100 % (90.01 - 95 min) → 0 % (95.01 - 110 min)
                  : 0.2 mL/min
                  : 60 ˚C
             For this investigation, after reduction and alkylation of
             IgG, tryptic enzyme digestion was used as shown in   Injection Vol.   : 10 µL
             Fig. 1 for sample preparation.  Detection  Flow Cell   : High-speed high-sensitivity cell
                  : LC-2040C 3D at 215 nm
                 4.5 mAU (�10)
             10 mg/mL human IgG in water 20 µL
              6 mol/L guanidine hydrochloride in   4.0 3.5
              0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 80 µL
              0.5 mol/L dithiothreitol in water 2 µL
             Incubate at 37 ˚C for 30 min  3.0
              0.5 mol/L iodoacetamide in water 4.8 µL   2.5
             Incubate at room temperature for 30 min in the dark    2.0
              0.5 mol/L dithiothreitol in water 2 µL
              0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 700 µL  1.5
              1 mg/mL trypsin in 1 mmol/L HCl 4 µL  1.0
             Incubate at 37 ˚C for 20 hours    0.5
              Trifluoroacetic acid 1 µL
             Inject to UHPLC   0.0
                 0.0  25.0  50.0  75.0 min
              Fig. 1  Sample Preparation  Fig. 2  Chromatogram of IgG Tryptic Digest
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