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                                                                                       Sponsored Feature      15

            Bioanalysis  Accelerating the pre-clinical/clinical phase

            nSMOL™ Antibody BA Kit                               Antibody            Trypsin-           Remove All
                                                                Collection          immobilized          Particles
            Simplifying workflows and enhancing sensitivity                 wash   Nanoparticles

                                Plasma +                            Protein A Beads  (~50 μm with 100 nm pores) +
                                Protein A Beads                     Trypsin Nanoparticles (200 nm diameter)

                  All antibodies are trapped in pores of   Nanoparticles cannot enter the pores but   Fab-selective proteolysis releases
                         Protein A beads         trypsin can partially access the antibodies  CDR peptides

                                   nSMOL + LCMS          LBA                      Development  of  LCMS  bioanalysis  in
             Ab for collection/detection  Not needed     6++ months to develop    combination with nSMOL proteolysis is
             Cross reactivity test  Not needed           Mandatory and tricky     much faster, and can dramatically accelerate
             Pre-validation        1-3 days              2-3 weeks                the total R&D period of biologics by
             Full validation       3-4 w                 3-4 w                    alleviating the bottlenecks that typically
                                                                                  occur when entering the preclinical and
             Sample prep           3-5 h                 2-4 h                    clinical phase.
             Data features         Highly selective and reliable,   Highly dependent on quality of
                                   wide dynamic range, easy to   detection Ab.
                                   multiplex, independent of

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