Page 18 - Pharmaceutical M5 Biopharma
P. 18

18   Sponsored Feature

        Impurities  Investigation of protein aggregation and more

        Analysis of Polysorbate 80

        Polysorbate 80 (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate) is commonly used as an additive to stabilize recombinant protein in the final formulation.
        As reagent, it is a polymeric mixture of a range of carbon numbers and is prone to degradation. Thus, the composition and quantity of polysorbate
        80 must be analysed both as raw material and in the final formulation. Shimadzu offers both GC and LCMS solutions to address this need.

           Application News:                 Application News:                  Application News:
           Purity Testing of Polysorbate     Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in      Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in
           80 by GC                          IgG Aqueous Solution by Online     IgG Aqueous Solution by Online
                                             SPE Using Shim-pack MAYI           SPE Using Shim-pack MAYI
                                             Column – Quantitative Analysis     Column – Quality Analysis

        Elemental Impurities              Extractables and Leachables

           Application News:                 Application News:                  Application News:
           Analysis of ICH Q3D Guideline     Analysis of Styrene Leached        Determination of Leachables in
           for Elemental Impurities in Drug   from Polystyrene Cups Using       Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug
           Products Using ICPMS-2030         GCMS coupled with Headspace        Products (OINDP) by GC-MS/
                                             (HS) Sampler                       MS
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