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            Culture Media  Comprehensive analysis made fast and easy

               Primer eBook:                      Poster Presentation (WCBP         Application News:
               LC-MS/MS Makes Cell Culture        2018):                            Simultaneous Analysis of Culture
               Media Analysis Fast, Easy and      A Novel Cell Culture Media        Supernatant of Mammalian Cells
               Effective                          Analysis Platform for Culture     Using Triple Quadrupole LC/
                                                  Process Development               MS/MS

                                                     A novel cell culture media analysis platform for culture process development
                                                     Takashi Suzuki 1 , Kohei Yamamoto 1 , Tomonori Nozawa 1 , Tatsuya Nishio 1 , Kenichi Toyoda 1 , Tairo Ogura 2 , Yasuhiro Mito 1 , Hajime Bungo 1 , Masatoshi Takahashi 1
                                                     1 Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan and 2 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD   Application  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
                                                    Introduction  Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform, C2MAP  Results and Discussion  News  Simultaneous Analysis of Culture Supernatant of
                                                                                         Mammalian Cells Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS
                                                    Optimization and control of cell culture processes are essential to  Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform, C2MAP, is configured from  A dedicated  software,  C2MAP  software,  can  control  both  Pluripotent stem  cells  (PSCs)  have  a  feature  maintaining
                                                    increase production efficiency of biopharmaceuticals. In the field of  pretreatment module (C2MAP-2000), UHPLC system (Nexea-X2),  pretreatment module and LC/MS/MS system, making it possible to  undifferentiated state. In this experiment, C2MAP system was used to  No.C106$
                                                          and triple quadrupole mass spectrometer LCMS-8060/-8050 (Fig.1).
                                                    cell therapy including regenerative medicines, enhanced control of the
                                                               carry out seamless analysis and to associate the treated sample and
                                                    culture process is also becoming important to reduce cell variability  the measurement results easily because pretreatment and analysis  components in undifferentiated human iPS cells and its differentiated
                                                    and  improve  consistency  of mass  production  of  the  cells.  UHPLC Nexera X2  are carried out with the common sample ID. The progress of  counterparts. As a result, significant difference could be found in the  Industrial fermentation for the production of biofuels or   bioprocess if monitored altogether.
                                                    Comprehensive monitoring of culture supernatant components gives  C2MAP-2000  pretreatment and analysis is easily confirmed (Fig. 3).  time course of some compounds (Fig.5). We think these compounds  biopharmaceutics requires routine monitoring of   To meet the demand for comprehensive analysis of
                                                    researchers useful information for these purposes. However, current  LCMS-8060  can be marker candidates for culture process management.  medium conditions such as pH, dissolved gas, carbon   medium component, we optimized the analytical
                                                    technologies for process monitoring are limited to measurement of pH,  source (glucose) and nitrogen source (glutamine) for   conditions and developed this “Method Package for
                                                    dissolving gases, and some small compounds such as glucose,
                                                    glutamine, lactate, and ammonia in culture supernatant.  optimization and control of the fermentation process.   Cell Culture Profiling” that can monitor relative
                                                                                      However, culture media also consist of various other   abundance of 95 compounds listed herein. Using this
                                                                                      nucleic acids and other primary metabolites, which
                                                    Cell Bank                         biologically important compounds such as vitamins,   Method Package, we demonstrated the change in
                                                                                           abundance of culture medium components associated
                                                                                      would lead to more detailed understanding of the   with hybridoma growth over a period of 5 days.
                                                     Seeding  pH, dO 2 , Glc/Gln/Lac/NH 3 monitoring  Q List of Compounds
                                                                                      No. $PNQPVOE /BNF  $MBTT   No. $PNQPVOE /BNF  $MBTT   No. $PNQPVOE /BNF  $MBTT
                                                     Expansion  Analysis platform that can   Fig.1 Overview of C2MAP system  Fig.5 Biomarker screening for potential critical   1 2  2-Isopropylmalic acid  *4 $BSCPIZESBUF  33 34  N-Acetylaspartic acid  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  65 66  Cytidine Cytidine monophosphate /VDMFJD BDJE /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                                                       Gluconic acid
                                                       perform multi components   Fig.3 C2MAP software  3  Glucosamine  $BSCPIZESBUF  35  Ornithine  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  67  Deoxycytidine  /VDMFJD BDJE /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                       analysis of culture sup. is   process parameters  4 5  Hexose (Glucose)  $BSCPIZESBUF $BSCPIZESBUF  37 36  Oxidized glutathione  "NJOP BDJE  69 68  Guanosine Guanine  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                          culture supernatant (400 to 500 mL) are set into the sample rack of
                                                     Product  necessary.  After removal of the cells from culture fluid, vials containing cell  Fetal bovine serum (FBS) often affect cell growth. In this experiment,  6 7  Threonic acid 2-Aminoadipic acid  $BSCPIZESBUF "NJOP BDJE  38 39  Pipecolic acid Proline  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  70 71  Guanosine monophosphate /VDMFJD BDJE /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                          C2MAP-2000 (Max. 65 samples). Pretreatment and measurement  detection of component amount variation among the product lots was  8  4-Aminobutyric acid  "NJOP BDJE  40  Serine  "NJOP BDJE  72  Inosine  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                    We have developed a “Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform, C2MAP  flow of C2MAP system are shown in Figure 2.  Temporal changes in each component can be graphed with the  tested. Three different lots of FBS were analyzed by C2MAP system.  9 10  4-Hydroxyproline  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  41 42  Threonine Tryptophan  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  73 74  Thymidine Thymine  /VDMFJD BDJE /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                                     We could detect 56 compounds from FBS sample. Overall pattern of
                                                    system” that combines automated pretreatment module for culture  dedicated viewer software, C2MAP TRENDS, using LC/MS/MS data  mass chromatogram from each lot was similar, whereas significant  11  5-Oxoproline  "NJOP BDJE  43  Tyrosine  "NJOP BDJE  75  Uracil  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                    supernatant samples with LC/MS/MS. This system can perform  C2MAP-2000  Filter aging  secreted metabolites during cultivation, as well as display graphs of  differences were detected in some compounds (Fig.6).  12  Alanine  "NJOP BDJE  44  Valine  "NJOP BDJE  76  Uric acid  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                               set. Analysts can monitor variations in basal media components and
                                                    automated sample pretreatment and simultaneous analysis of up to  component comparisons with samples from different culture series.  13  Alanyl-glutamine  "NJOP BDJE  45  4-Aminobenzoic acid  7JUBNJO  77  Uridine  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                    95 compounds including basal medium components and secreted  Addition of internal std. (Reagent probe)  These observations can provide useful insights into considerations  14  Arginine  "NJOP BDJE  46  Ascorbic acid  7JUBNJO  78  Xanthine  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                    metabolites (The list of target compounds are shown below). This  Addition of culture sup. (Sample probe)  of the optimal culture conditions and the culture process.  Lot 1  15  Asparagine  "NJOP BDJE  47  Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate 7JUBNJO  79  Xanthosine  /VDMFJD BDJE
                                                    system contains a software that can visualize temporal change in  Lot 2  16  Aspartic acid  "NJOP BDJE  48  Biotin  7JUBNJO 7JUBNJO  80  Penicillin G  0UIFS "OUJCJPUJDT
                                                    each culture supernatant components through the cell culture.  Addition of organic solvent (Reagent probe)  Lot 3  17 18 19  Cystathionine Citrulline Cysteine  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  50 49 51  Cyanocobalamin  7JUBNJO 7JUBNJO  82 81 83  2-Ketoisovaleric acid  0UIFS
                                                                                            3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid 0UIFS
                                                    In this poster, we present features of C2MAP system and its  Stirring  20  Cystine  "NJOP BDJE  52  Folic acid  7JUBNJO  84  4-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid 0UIFS
                                                    applications.                     21  Glutamic acid  "NJOP BDJE  53  Folinic acid  7JUBNJO  85  Citric acid  0UIFS
                                                            Suction filtration        22  Glutamine  "NJOP BDJE  54  Lipoic acid  7JUBNJO  86  Ethylenediamine  0UIFS
                                                           Delivery of filtrate to the HPLC autosampler  23 24  Glutathione Glycine  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  55 56  Niacinamide Nicotinic acid  7JUBNJO 7JUBNJO  87 88  Fumaric acid Glyceric acid  0UIFS 0UIFS
                                                                                      25  Glycyl-glutamine  "NJOP BDJE  57  Pantothenic acid  7JUBNJO  89  Histamine  0UIFS
                                                          Autosampler                 26 27  Histidine Isoleucine  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  58 59  Pyridoxal Pyridoxine  7JUBNJO 7JUBNJO  90 91  Isocitric acid Lactic acid  0UIFS 0UIFS
                                                          SIL-30AC                    28  Kynurenine  "NJOP BDJE  60  Riboflavin  7JUBNJO  92  Malic acid  0UIFS
                                                            Dispensing into 96 well MTP  29 31 30  Leucine Methionine Lysine  "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE "NJOP BDJE  61 62 63  Tocopherol acetate  /VDMFJD BDJE 7JUBNJO /VDMFJD BDJE  93 94 95  O-Phosphoethanolamine 0UIFS 0UIFS 0UIFS
                                                                                            Pyruvic acid
                                                            Dilution by pure water  1 Fig.6 Evaluation of lot to lot variation of FBS 3  1  2  3  32  Methionine sulfoxide  "NJOP BDJE  64  Adenosine monophosphate /VDMFJD BDJE  96  Succinic acid  0UIFS
                                                            Sample injection          HPLC Conditions  MS Conditions (LCMS-8050)
                                                                                       : 53 &ROXPQ
                                                                                       : 0.1 % Formic Acid in Acetonitrile
                                                                                      Mobile Phase B
                                                          LCMS-8060  Through multicomponent monitoring of the culture supernatant using  Column Mobile Phase A   : 0.1 % Formic Acid aq.  Nebulizer Gas Flow  : 3.0 L/min. : ESI (Positive / Negative)
                                                                                            : 10.0 L/min.
                                                                                           Drying Gas Flow
                                                                                           Heating Gas Flow
                                                                                       : *UDGLHQW HOXWLRQ
                                                                                            : 10.0 L/min.
                                                           Measurement of relative abundance of   C2MAP system, various useful information can be obtained. This  Flowrate   : 0.35 mL/min.  DL Temp.  Block Heater Temp.  : 400 °C : 250 °C
                                                            95 compounds in 17 min  information provides useful insights into optimization of the culture  Interface Temp.   : 300 °C
                                                                     media composition and the culture process.
                                                               Fig.4 C2MAP TRENDS
                                                          Fig.2 Pretreatment and measurement flow  Disclaimer: C2MAP, other products, and applications in this presentation are intended for
                                                                     research Use Only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
               Poster Presentation (ASMS 2017):   Poster (ASMS 2018):               Application News:
               Using LC-MS/MS to                  Non-invasive LC-MS/MS analysis    A Compilation on the
               Simultaneously Determine 95        for evaluation of undifferentiated   Application of Cell Culture
               Compounds in Mammalian Cell        state of human iPS cells          Supernatant and Medium
               Culture Supernatants                                                 Component Analysis
                              WCBP2018 P-219-W
                   Bioanalytical Platform for Monoclonal Antibodies at ng/mL Concentrations Using Microflow LC-MS/MS
                   in Combination with nSMOL Proteolysis
                   Masateru Oguri 1 , Wataru Fukui 1 , Shinya Imamura 1 , Noriko Iwamoto 2 , Takashi Shimada 2 ,Toshiya Matsubara 1 , Atsuhiko Toyama 3 , Kyoko Watanabe 1 , Masahide Gunji 1 , Youske Iwata 1 , Kazuo Mukaibatake 1 , and Ichiro Hirano 1
                   1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan. 2 Technology Research Laboratory, Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. 3 Marketing Innovation Center, Shimadzu Corporation
                   1. Introduction  2-2. System Configuration  3. Results
                         The newly developed micro-LC system by Shimadzu Corporation, Nexera Mikros (Fig. 2), consists of
                   increasingly used for pharmacokinetic studies in the preclinical, clinical, and therapeutic phases. One major  (1) LC-Mikros, the ‘micro to semi-micro flow’ pump with 1-500 μL/min range and 800 bar pressure tolerance,  Calibration curve in plasma matrix showed good linear response in the range 7.6 ng/mL to 62.5 μg/mL (Fig 4).
                   Mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) determination of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in serum or plasma is
                                LCMS-8060), switching to the Nexera Mikros system contributed to sensitivity improvement by nearly one order of
                   advantage of this approach over conventional ligand binding assay (LBA) is high specificity for the target  (2) CTO-Mikros, the new-design column oven that couples any analytical column directly to the ion source by  Compared to the LLOQ of 0.06 μg/mL as previously reported for Trastuzumab (also using nSMOL proteolysis and
                          the UF-Link™ technology (Fig. 3) to minimize post-column void volume,
                   antibodies that can be achieved by selecting tryptic peptides derived from the complementarity-determining  (3) Micro ESI-8060, the camera-equipped and X-Y adjustable ESI ion source for maximum ionization  magnitude. Notably, the chromatographic peak shape and elution band was equivalent to UHPLC system with
                   region (CDR) as the antibody signature peptide and subjecting it to LC-MS/MS quantitation. Moreover, LC-  efficiency and usability.  average W 0.5h of 3.7 seconds, most likely due to near-zero post-column dead volume achieved by the UF-Link.
                   MS/MS approach requires much less assay developmental work than LBA, which completes within days rather  1 0 0
                   than several months (Table 1). Our recent advancement of sample preparation strategy, namely nano-surface
                   and molecular-orientation limited (nSMOL) proteolysis (Fig 1), have further simplified the method  [LC] Nexera Mikros Analytical Column  : Shim-Pack MC C18 (0.175 mm I.D. x 50 mm L.)  Peptide  MRM transition  Objectives
                   development process. nSMOL proteolysis yields extremely clean CDR peptide mixture thereby alleviating the
                   need to address interference from biological matrix.  Trap column  : CERI L-column2 Micro (0.3 mm I.D. x 50 mm L.)  1 0  IYPTNGYTR 542.8>808.4 (y7+) 542.8>404.7 (y7++)  Qualifier Quantifier
                           : (Analytical) 50 deg.C, (Trap) 40 deg.C
                          Solvent A Oven Temp.  : 0.1% Formic Acid in water  R 2 =0.9998  542.8>610.3 (y5+)  Qualifier
                          Solvent B  : 0.1% Formic Acid in Acetonitrile  1  Peptide  MRM transition  Objectives
                           : 0.00-0.50 min 5%B  4.50 min 22%B
                            4.51 min 95%B  5.50 min 95%B  C a lc u la te d  C o n c . [u g/ m l]  512.1>292.3 (b3+)  Quantifier
                          Inj. Volume Analytical flow Rate   5.60 min 5%B  11.00 min STOP  0 .1 0 .0 1  P 14 R (IS)  512.1>660.4 (b6+) 512.1>389.3 (b4+)  Qualifier Qualifier
                           : 10 μL
                           : 4 μL/min
                         [MS] LCMS-8060 with Micro ESI-8060 : ESI Positive  0 .0 1  S e t c o n c . [u g/ m l] 1  1 0  1 0 0  宔宸室宱宷宬宷室宷宬宲宱季宵室宱宪宨季宬宱季宫宸宰室宱季害宯室家宰室季孽 孳孱孳孳孺孹孶 宷宲季孹孵孱學季廘宪孲宰宏
                                 0 .1
                          DL Temp.  : 250 deg.C
                          ESI Temp. Heat Block Temp.  : 400 deg.C : 100 deg.C  宅宯室宱宮  孳孱孳孳孺孹孶季廘宪孲宰宏  孳孱孳孹孴孳季廘宪孲宰宏  孶孱孼孴季廘宪孲宰宏
                          Nebulizer Gas Drying Gas  : 2 L/min. : OFF  800 700  800 700  3000 2500  150000 125000
                          Heating Gas  : 3 L/min.  500 600  500 600  2000  75000 100000
                          Figure 2. Nexera Mikros system, equipped with additional modular pumps for Trap & Elute  300 400  300 400  1000 1500  50000
                   Figure 1. The working principle of Fab-selective reaction of IgG by nSMOL proteolysis.  100 200 0 2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  100 200 0  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  500 0 2.75 3.00  3.25  3.50  25000 0  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50
                                Figure 4. Calibration curve for Trastuzumab bioanalysis and representative MRM chromatograms
                   Despite various advantages, one drawback of LC-MS/MS assays is that the level of sensitivity depends on the
                   mass spectrometric response (efficiency of ionization and fragmentation) of the signature peptide, which is
                   essentially unpredictable and uncontrollable. For example, recently reported bioanalyses of therapeutic mAb  As part of assay validation, intra-day repeatability (%RSD) was evaluated using two sets of QC samples. The
                   [ref.1-8] showed varying LLOQ levels ranging from 0.06-0.58 μg/mL in plasma. Currently there is risk that a newly-  results are shown in Table 2. Good repeatability was observed (<20% for LLOQ and otherwise well under 15%)
                   developed assay might not fulfil the sensitivity requirement for pre-clinical trials.  and accuracies fell under 85-115% range, which are the commonly accepted criteria for quantitative adequacy
                   Here we aim to overcome this issue by implementation of a robust microflow LC-MS/MS system to measure  from FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation.
                   signature peptides at increased sensitivity than conventional semi-microflow systems, while maintaining the  UF-Link TM  Easy, Dependable Column Installation  Table 2. Results of assay repeatability evaluation using QC samples.
                   same level of robustness, analysis turnaround time and ease of system configuration.
                                 宖宨宷季宦宲宱宦孱季  宔宆季家宨宷季孴季孫宑宀學季宩宲宵季宨室宦宫季宯宨容宨宯孬  宔宆季家宨宷季孵季孫宑宀學季宩宲宵季宨室宦宫季宯宨容宨宯孬
                   Table 1.   Comparison of nSMOL+LCMS and LBA  Standard Ferrule Seal  孫廘宪孲宰宏孬 孳孱孳孳孺孹孶  宇宨宷宨宵宰宬宱宨宧季 孳孱孳孳孺孷孴  宄宦宦宸宵室宦宼 孼孺孱孴孨  宕宨害宨室宷室宥宬宯宬宷宼 學孱孹孼孨  宇宨宷宨宵宰宬宱宨宧 孳孱孳孳孺孹孵  宄宦宦宸宵室宦宼 孴孳孳孨  宕宨害宨室宷室宥宬宯宬宷宼 孴孴孱孶孨
                    宱宖宐宒宏孮宏宆宐宖  宏宅宄  Development of LCMS bioanalysis in  Zero Dead Volume Seal (UF-Link TM )  孳孱孳孵孵孼  孳孱孳孵孶孷  孴孳孵孨  孹孱孹孻孨  孳孱孳孵孶孵  孴孳孴孨  孵孱孻孷孨
                   宄宥 宩宲宵季  宑宲宷季宱宨宨宧宨宧  孹孮孮季宰宲宱宷宫家季  combination with nSMOL proteolysis  Ferrule  Male nut  Adapter  學孱孻孹  孹孱孴孼  孴孳孹孨  孵孱孹孺孨  學孱孻孶  孼孼孱孷孨  孶孱孴孵孨
                       is much faster, and can dramatically
                   宆宲宯宯宨宦宷宬宲宱孲宇宨宷宨宦宷宬宲宱 宆宵宲家家孰宵宨室宦宷宬容宬宷宼季宷宨家宷  宑宲宷季宱宨宨宧宨宧  宐室宱宧室宷宲宵宼季室宱宧季宷宵宬宦宮宼 宷宲季宧宨容宨宯宲害  accelerate the total R&D workflow  學孳孱孳  孷孹孱孼  孼孷孨  孹孱孶孹孨  孷學孱孻  孼孴孱孺孨  孺孱孵孶孨
                   宓宵宨孰容室宯宬宧室宷宬宲宱  孴 孰 孶季宧室宼家  孵 孰 孶季宺宨宨宮家  period of biologics by alleviating the
                   安宸宯宯 容室宯宬宧室宷宬宲宱 宖室宰害宯宨 害宵宨害孱  孶 孰 孷季宺 孶季孰 學季宫  孶季孰 孷季宺 孵季孰 孷季宫  bottleneck that typically occur when  4. Conclusion
                                 Combination of Nexera Mikros TM and nSMOL TM Antibody BA Kit achieved single digit ng/mL
                       entering the preclinical and clinical
                    宋宬宪宫宯宼 家宨宯宨宦宷宬容宨季室宱宧季宵宨宯宬室宥宯宨孯  宋宬宪宫宯宼季宧宨害宨宱宧宨宱宷季宲宱季宴宸室宯宬宷宼季  phase.  Dead volume  Sealing part  Sealing part  LLOQ in the bioassay of Trastuzumab in 11 minutes of analysis runtime.
                   宇室宷室季宩宨室宷宸宵宨家  宬宱宧宨害宨宱宧宨宱宷季宲宩季室宱宷宬宥宲宧宬宨家  宲宩季宧宨宷宨宦宷宬宲宱季宄宥孱季
                                rate, while peak shape was maintained by the UF-Link column connection at ion source. The
                   2. Methods  Connection Procedure   Enhancement in sensitivity may be attributed to increased ionization efficiency at lower flow
                                system is also suitable for routine analysis without the use of specialized tubings that
                   2-1 Sample and Pretreatment  typically suffer from clogging.
                   Pooled human plasma sample was purchased from Kohjin Bio (Saitama, Japan). Trastuzumab was spiked at   Assuming same level of sensitivity enhancement for other signature peptides of therapeutic
                   various concentrations (0, 0.00763, 0.0153, 0.0305, 0.0610, 0.122, 0.0244, 0.488, 0.977, 1.95, 3.91, 7.81, 15.6,  mAbs, it now became highly probably that a developed LC-MS/MS assay will satisfy the
                   31.3, 62.5 μg/mL) for calibration curve and independently at four concentration set for QC samples. QC set 1  1. Attach the adapter to column.   2. Place the column in the UF-  3. Swing the lever to the   sensitivity required for both preclinical and clinical studies.
                   and 2 were prepared and ran on two separate days.  Standard threads on the adapter   link slot inside the oven.  right to connect & lock.
                   Spiked and blank plasma samples were pretreated after keeping at -80°C for 24 h or longer using the  variety of columns. make it compatible with a wide   Acknowledgement  References
                   nSMOL™ Antibody BA Kit (Shimadzu Corporation, Japan) in accordance with the instruction manual.
                          Figure 3. The sealing mechanism of UF-Link and its facile attachment  The applications of nSMOL™ Antibody BA Kit in this  I. II.  Iwamoto N et al, Analyst. 2014 139(3):576-80
                                    Iwamoto N et al., Anal. Methods. 2015; 21:9177-9183.
                                presentation are the results of cooperative research between
                                Shimadzu and National Cancer Center Japan. We are deeply  III. Iwamoto N et al., Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2016 31(1): 46-50
                                    Iwamoto N et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2016 39(7): 1187-94
                                   VII. Iwamoto N et al., Clin. Pharmacol. Biopharm. 2016, 5-4
                         Disclaimer : nSMOL™ Antibody BA Kit, Nexera Mikros TM and LCMS-8060 is intended for Research Use Only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures.  grateful for providing us with the data and kind supports.  V. IV. Iwamoto N et al., J Chromatogr. B 2016 1023-24:9-16
                                   VI. Iwamoto N et al., Bioanalysis, 2016 8(10):1009-20
                                   VIII. Iwamoto N et al., J Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2017, 145: 33-39
               Video:                             Video:
               C2MAP Cell Culture Media           Advancing Cell Culture Media
               Analysis Platform                  Analysis and Monitoring by LC-
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