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                                                                                       Sponsored Feature      19

            Total Solution for Regulatory Compliance

            Data integrity compliance has become one of the most important components of the pharmaceutical industry’s responsibility
            to ensure the safety, efficiency and quality of drugs to protect human health. However, regulatory agencies have observed an
            increasing number of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) violations related to data integrity in recent years.
              Regulatory agencies expect data to be reliable and accurate on the CGMP criteria for all laboratory instruments, including
            UV-Vis and FT-IR, as well as all other standalone instruments.
              Shimadzu offers the LabSolutions CS platform, the unified network platform that is able to control all Shimadzu instruments
            via the network with administrative access control and logging, complete audit trail and reporting functionality to ensure data
            integrity compliance.

               Poster Presentation                Video:                            Video:
               (Pittcon 2018):                    “Supporting Data Integrity”       “Solutions Supporting the
               Innovative Solution for the                                          Reliability of Test Data”
               Various Instruments in the
               Analytical Laboratory

                 Innovative Solution for the Various Instruments in the Analytical Laboratory
                 Toshinobu Yanagisawa, Koji Ono, Hiroomi Nishimura, Keisuke Yoshizawa, Ryuji Nishimoto  Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
                1. Introduction  4. Example of FDA Warning Letter  7. Report Set Function to Support Data Integrity   8. Features of Report Set Function
                Data integrity compliance has become one of the most important components of industry’s  Case 1. Re-test until acceptable results are obtained
                            as Data Reports, Acquisition & Processing method reports, activity logs, and audit trail information, and then
                responsibility to ensure the safety, efficiency and quality of drugs to protect human health. However,  Case 2. Disregard trial test results  Report Set is the function in LabSolutions TM CS to automatically combine sets of reports for each batch, such  Visibility of the series of analysis operations reduces the work involved in
                regulatory agencies have increasingly observed Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP)  Case 3. Torn raw data records in the waste area  digitally consolidate them into a single PDF file.  checking results and ensures reliability
                violations related to data integrity during inspections in recent years.  Case 4. No audit trail for UV spectrophotometer  Report Set consolidates all the necessary information in a single PDF file, so that the
                This is because not only the role of data integrity on the CGMP requirements is not well understood,  Table 1 Categories and remedies for issues raised by regulatory agency  Batch file  HPLC, GC, LC-MS, UV-Vis, FTIR and RF are supported  entire series of analysis operations including data processing are easily visible. As a result,
                but the scope of data integrity is more than earlier expectations in the analytical laboratory.  Category  Description  Examples of Issues  Remedies  Analysis Information  Method Reports  it is not necessary to switch between a number of windows or tabs in the software to check
                Regulatory agencies expect that data must be reliable and accurate on the CGMP criteria for all  Problems with inadequate  • Paper-based test results did not   • Regulatory requirements should   operations and settings as part of data review.
                laboratory instruments, including UV-Vis and FT-IR, as well as all other standalone instruments to  1  recognition  contain all meta data information.  be interpreted correctly.  Data  PDF
                the same level of chromatographs.  • There were no audit trail functions. • Systems should be updated to    The series of analysis results is automatically protected against modification
                Here, it is shown how data integrity compliance is effectively achieved on a unified network platform  2  Functional deficiencies,   • Login IDs and passwords were   enable compliance with   Data  Report Set  Once a digital link is created between the series of analysis results (electronic
                          • System settings should be
                       inadequate settings, and
                        • Data deletion was not restricted
                       usage issues
                        being shared.
                in the analytical laboratory.
                        using user rights.
                                   data) and the report set, editing is automatically disabled (locked). This helps to
                2. Guidance for Data Integrity Issued by   • Tests were repeated until   specified appropriately.  Log  Data Reports  prevent any data modification, such as replacing or deleting the analysis results.
                                   The digital link created not only ensures a unique relationship between the report
                Regulatory Agencies  3  issues Testing process reliability  • Out-of-specification (OOS) data   • Operations should be checked   Data  Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of Report Set function  set and the analysis results (electronic data), but also enables analysis results
                        acceptable results were obtained.
                        was neither investigated nor
                                   (electronic data) to be searched and reviewed quickly.
                          for any improper actions.
                Guidance for data integrity has been published by regulatory agencies such as MHRA, FDA and  reported.  Data files are automatically
                                 locked & can not be edited
                PIC/S in recent years.  Create Report Set  unless unlocked by    Enhanced productivity thanks to digitization of the confirmation process for
                March  GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry :   5. Actual Situation in the Regulated Laboratory  authorized user.  the analysis results report
                2015  MHRA (UK)  The guideline for data integrity is focusing on review of audit trail.
                April  Guidance for Industry Data Integrity and Compliance With CGMP :   The following points should be checked:  Initiate   Acquire  Check the contents of   The Report Confirmation function can be used to retain evidence that the content
                                   of the chromatogram report included in the PDF file was reviewed.
                       Data is acquired by the predefined batch and method condition.
                2016  FDA (USA)   Data is reprocessed only by a privileged user.  Report Set  The confirmation form can be designed anywhere in the chromatogram report in
                July  MHRA GxP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry :    The contents and reasons for the reprocessing are reasonable.  Process  The confirmation assistant function is included to ensure content reliability by
                                   the same way as other analysis information.
                2016  MHRA (UK)   Acquisition is not terminated or paused except for any compelling reason.  emitting an error to provide notification of unchecked items.
                                   Electronic signatures can be applied for Report Set review and approval processes, and linked data is also
                August  PIC/S Good Practices for Data Management and Integrity in Regulated    No orphan data exists.  Retention  reviewed and approved at the same time.
                2016  GMP/GDP Environments [PI 041-1(Draft2)] : PIC/S   Assure the data is not modified during the data lifecycle  Sign off Report Set
                       Review all meta data related to the samples
                             Data files included in Report Set are locked
                3. Ensuring Data Integrity Compliance   Prevent human error to reprocess data  Retrieval  Destruction  and electronic signatures are applied on the   9. Conclusion
                       Secure the storage area
                                   A recent topic related to analytical data is the lack of data integrity due to data modification and replacement.
                             original data files.
                The data integrity compliance is required for all instruments to the same level of chromatographs  Fig. 2 Data lifecycle management  Fig. 4 Operation flow by LabSolutions CS software  Shimadzu LabSolutions CS is a Unified Network Platform for various instruments and provides the solution to
                A unified network platform for various instruments reduces human error risk and system 6. Issues to be Solved  ensure data integrity while improving security and usability.
                especially focusing on data security and centralized storage.
                maintenance cost in the laboratory.  approver must print, review and archive all meta data.  innovative  Realize Advanced Laboratory
                      In order to confirm that the data is appropriately acquired by the predefined batch and method condition,
                A  Attributable to the person generating the data  Time Consuming   Support various instruments in the laboratory
                                     Consolidate all information for data integrity inspection in a single PDF file
                L  Legible and permanent  The significant amount of time needed for analysis report printing,  intuitive  Achieve Easier Operation
                C  Contemporaneous  Space Occupation  Data confirmation results can be checked   Process large amount of data and confirm the results on a single platform
                      summarization, checking and storage tasks can interfere with daily
                O  Original record (or true copy)  The increasing number of binders required to store printouts can cause  using LabSolutions CS Data Manager.
                                     Generate Report Set with 1-click operation
                      storage space problems.
                A  Accurate  Unified Instrument Network  Alteration Risk  The confirmation form can be designed anywhere in  intelligent  Increase Work Efficiency
                                     Lock and sign-off all the data files linked to Report Set
                                If there are any unchecked items in the data report,
                                the data report.
                +  Complete, Consistent, Enduring, Available  an error is shown to prevent confirmation omissions   Reduce human error risk and system maintenance cost
                   Fig. 1 Unified network platform for various instruments  or authorization. Analysis results might be modified or discarded without proper approval  Fig. 5 Prevention of confirmation omissions
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