Page 7 - Pharmaceutical M5 Biopharma
P. 7

                                                                                       Sponsored Feature       7

            Intact Proteins  Robust and reliable separation and measurement

            Charge Variant Analysis

                Purified           HPLC (IEX)

            Modification, isomerization or cleavage
            occurring on a charged amino acid
            residue alters the overall charge of the
            protein, affecting its structure, binding
            affinity  and  stability.  Hence  charge-
            related heterogeneity is an important
            quality attribute of mAb.
              The profile of charge variants
            can be evaluated by ion exchange
            chromatography  (IEX),  and  this  is
            repeatedly monitored throughout the
            developmental workflow.
              Repeatability of elution profile strongly
            depends on the robustness of the HPLC
            system to sustain precision and accuracy
            in the presence of strong salts needed
            for IEX.
              Here, mAb sample was separated by
            cation-exchange chromatography and
            repeatability of 10 consecutive injections
            was  evaluated.  The  results  shown
            demonstrate that the system precisely
            sustains the baseline and elution profile
            in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl.     (top) A representative separation profile showing the percentages of peak areas, indicative of product
                                               purity, with %CV.
                                               (bottom) Chromatograms of 10 repeat injections were overlaid with base shift, showing the
            Cation-exchange chromatography of mAb  exceptional repeatability of retention times.
            HPLC System : Prominence-i
            Mobile phase : 0.02 M sodium phosphate
            and 0.2 M NaCl
            Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min
            Sample   : mAb (Trastuzumab)

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