Page 5 - Pharmaceutical M5 Biopharma
P. 5

                                                                                       Sponsored Feature       5

            Intact Proteins  Robust and reliable separation and measurement

                                                    CQAs observable at intact protein level  Analytical method

                                                         Aggregation, dimerization  Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)
                                                       Deamidation, pyroglutamination  Charge-variant analysis (IEX)
                                                         Disulfide bond scrambling
                                                            Major glycoforms      Molecular weight measurement (LC-MS)
                                                            Drug conjugation      Hydrophobic interaction chromatography

            Accurate Mass Analysis

                Purified             Mass
                Protein           Spectrometry

            Accurate mass measurement helps to determine whether the
            correct protein sequence has been expressed with the expected
            post-translational modifications (PTMs). It also provides relative
            abundance of different proteins or PTMs present in the same
            sample. A high resolution and high sensitivity mass spectrometer
            will facilitate this analysis.
              Shimadzu offers the best solution for a routine high-resolution
            accurate-mass analysis with the LCMS-9030, quadrupole time-
            of-flight mass spectrometer (Q-TOF LC-MS). It maintains its
            mass accuracy for days without requiring re-calibration or using
            internal standard.

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