Page 6 - Pharmaceutical M5 Biopharma
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6   Sponsored Feature

        Intact Proteins  Robust and reliable separation and measurement

        Aggregate and Fragment Analysis

           Purified           HPLC (SEC)

        Protein aggregates are known to strongly
        induce immunogenic responses when
        administered, and aggregation is one of
        the most important quality attributes
        that must be monitored and managed
        at every step of process development
        and refinement. For example, in the initial
        stage of development, cell lines that have
        greater tendency to produce aggregates
        or degradants are screened out even if it
        showed a high secretion yield.
         Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)
        is the method of choice for separating
        the major monomer fraction from size
        variants occurring by either aggregation
        or degradation. Shimadzu supplies the
        range of SEC columns that are useful
        particularly in increasing the throughput
        needed for the screening analysis.

        Size-exclusion chromatography of mAb
        Column: Shim-pack Bio Diol-300
        Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
        Sample: Humanized monoclonal IgG1

         Here, the chromatograms compare
        the  SEC  separation  profile  of  mAb
        acquired  by  Shim-pack  Bio  Diol-300
        columns of  different  dimension  at  a
        constant flow rate. Reduction of particle   Column         N (3)          Rs (1,2)        Rs (2,3)
        size (5 μm to 2 μm) resulted in increased   (1) 5 μm, 300 x 4.6 mm  8,500   0.88            2.67
        peak resolution, which in turn gave the   (2) 2 μm, 300 x 4.6 mm  16,200    1.17            4.15
        room to reduce the analysis time by   (3) 2 μm, 150 x 4.6 mm  8,700         0.85            2.75
        using a shorter column (30 minutes to
        15 minutes).
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