Page 44 - Clinical-Medical Solution for Clinical Chemistry
P. 44
Determination of Unbound Urinary Amino Acids Incorporated
with Creatinine Normalization by LC-MS/MS Method with
CLAM-2000 Online Sample Pre-treatment
AA pro le and statistics analysis
Statistics analysis of 21 AA (Cit is excluded) in urines identi ed from p-value evaluation are distinct, and the
based on the TCNA model are shown in Table 3 and few very high values of TCNA (5.96~8.46) are the
Figure 4. A best grouping according to TCNA (R) is outliers. This result indicates that the TCNA value can be
found at R=1.12~3.25 and 3.45~8.46 based on p-value regarded as a key factor in analysis of AA pro le, which
evaluation. With this assumption, most AA exhibit may provide a new approach in characterization of AA
statistically signi cant differences (P<0.05) except ve pro les linking with diagnosis of disease and health
AA which p-values are greater than 0.05. Further conditions [4].
multivariate analysis (PCA) reveals that the two groups
Figure 4: PCA score plot of TCNA (R) for 21 amino acids of 28 urine specimens which
are classi ed in two groups according to TCNA using SIMCA P+ program.