Page 15 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 15

FDA Regulations on
                                                                                                      Residual Solvents
                                                                                                       Headspace GC

               Analysis Using the GC-2010 Plus with a Headspace Sampler
               The U.S. Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia and "Guidelines for Residual Solvents in Drug Products" notified by
               the former Japanese Ministry of Welfare classify solvents according to toxicity as Class 1 (Solvents to be avoided), Class 2
               (Solvents to be limited), and Class 3 (Solvents with low toxic potential). The analysis of Class 1 solvents (aqueous
               solution) and Class 2 solvents (aqueous solution) are introduced below.                                Genotoxic Impurities  FDA Regulations on

                                       +*,`                                      11DDEy         : 1,1-Dichloroethene
                                                                                 111TCEa        : 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
                                                                                 CCl4               : Carbon Tetrachloride
                                                            ;*,H                 Bz                  : Benzene
                                                                                 12DDEa         : 1,2-Dichloroethane

                    0.0      2.5      5.0     7.5      10.0    12.5        min
                         Fig. 1 Class 1 Solvent Standard Sample (Aqueous Solution, Procedure A)

                             +*4       J`J*       4LJ`J*        ;VS  *0)a  ,[)a  MeOH           : Methanol            Residual Solvents  FDA Regulations on
                                [YHUZ  +*,`  JPZ  +*,`  ;/-             T¶? W¶?  V¶?  DCM              : Methylene Chloride
                                                                                 AcNt              : Acetonitrile
                                                                                 trans12DCEy : Trans-1,2-Dicthenehloroethene
                          4L6/                                                   cis12DCEy     : Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
                                                                                 THF               : Tetrahydrofuran
                                                                                 cycC6             : Cyclohexane
                                                                                 MecycC6        : Methylcyclohexane
                             (J5[                                                1,4-D             : 1,4-Dioxane
                                                       ¶+                        ClBz               : Chlorobenzene
                                                                                 Tol                 : Toluene
                                                                                 EtBz               : Ethylbenzene
                                                                                 m-X                : m-Xylene
                             5.0     10.0     15.0     20.0    25.0     30.0 min  p-X                : p-Xylene
                                                                                 o-X                : o-Xylene
                         Fig. 2 Class 2 Solvent Standard Sample (Aqueous Solution, Procedure A)

                               *                                        ;L[YSU   C6                  : Hexane         Inorganic Impurities  FDA Regulations on
                                                                                 NtMe             : Nitromethane
                                          ;*,`            4)2                    CRF                : Chloroform
                                                                                 12DMOEa     : 1,2-Dimethoxyethane
                                                                                 TCEy              : Trichloroethylene
                                                                                 Pyr                 : Pyridine
                                                                                 MBK              : Methylbutylketone
                                  *9-                                            Tetrln            : Tetralin
                                 5[4L    +46,H        7`Y

                             5.0     10.0     15.0     20.0    25.0     30.0 min
                         Fig. 3 Class 2 Solvent Standard Sample (Aqueous Solution, Procedure B)

                       GC Analytical Conditions          Headspace Analytical Conditions
                       Column        : Rtx-624 30m×0.53mmI.D. 3 μm    Equilibration Temp.  : 80ºC
                       Carrier Gas   : He 35cm/sec, Split ratio 1:10    Equilibration Time    : 60 min
                       Detector       : FID                                                                            Support from Shimadzu
                       Inj.Temp.      : 140ºC
                       Det. Temp.   : 250ºC
                       Col. Temp.   : 40ºC(20 min) – (10ºC/min) – 240ºC(20 min)

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