Page 17 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 17

FDA Regulations on
                                                                                                     Inorganic Impurities
                                                                                                   ICP Emission Spectrometer

               Analysis of Aluminum in Infusion                 Analysis of Heavy Metals in Lactose
               The FDA prescribes a 25 μg/L limit on aluminum content in   ICP emission spectrometry features high sensitivity, a wide
               large-volume parenteral (100 mL min.) pharmaceutical   dynamic range, and simultaneous multi-element analysis.
               products used in a central venous nutrition infusion. This   This is an example of the qualitative analysis of ppb-order
               is an example of high-sensitivity analysis of aluminum   heavy metals in lactose.
               (spiked to 5 μg/L) in an infusion by ICP emission                                                      Genotoxic Impurities  FDA Regulations on
               As infusion formulations generally contain high
               concentrations (g/L level) of active components, including
               organic substances such as amino acids and saccharides
               and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium,
               measurement of the μg/L (ppb) -level aluminum content is
               difficult. The ICP emission spectrometer is not affected by
               such co-existing elements; consequently, it enables the
               selective, high-sensitivity analysis of co-existing aluminum
               in samples containing infusion components, such as amino
               acids, electrolytes, and saccharides.                                                                  Residual Solvents  FDA Regulations on

                                           Sample C + 5 μg/L
                        Sample A + 5 μg/L
                                         Sample C
                              Al 5μg/L
                      Sample A
                                                   Al 5 μg/L
                                                                       Fig. 2 Qualitative Analysis of Lactose Using an
                                                                                 ICP Emission Spectrometer

                                                                     Table 1 Semi-Quantitative Values for Lactose Using
                                                                                  an ICP Emission Spectrometer
                 (a) Overlaid Profiles of Sample  (b) Overlaid Profiles of Sample                                     Inorganic Impurities  FDA Regulations on
                       A and Standard Sample         C and Standard Sample   1 ppm min.  Na 1.6  P  4.4  S  3.1  K  7.2  Ca 1.9
                  Fig. 1 Profile at Aluminum Wavelength (167.079 nm)   0.1 ppm min. Mg .23
                            Sample A: sample with high amino acid content  Less than   Li .0088  Be .0003 B  .0047  Al .021  Si .058  Sc .0009
                            Sample C: sample with high electrolyte, saccharide,   0.1 ppm  Ti .0020  V  .0060 Cr .0016  Mn .0010 Fe .021  Co .0046
                            and amino acid content                    Ni .0091  Cu .0077 Zn .0020  Ga .00038 Ge .0028  Sr .0028
                                                                      Y  .00011 Zr .0020 Nb .00024 Mo .0015 Ru .00096 Rh .00030  Support from Shimadzu

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