Page 22 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 22

Support from Shimadzu
                             Data Management

            ˙  Requirements of Electronic                       ˙  Response to Electronic
               Records/Electronic                                  Records/Electronic
               Signatures (ER/ES)                                  Signatures (ER/ES) Regulations
               Regulations                                         by CLASS-Agent

            FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor   The basic Shimadzu policy is to introduce compliance with
            and Welfare policies on electronic records/electronic   ER/ES regulations for all analytical instruments in the
            signatures prescribe requirements for replacing conventional   laboratory, including chromatographs (LC, GC, LC/MS, GC/MS,
            paper-based records with electronic ones. Software must   etc.), spectrophotometers (UV, FTIR, AA, etc.), total organic
            provide sound security to ensure data integrity, allowing the   carbon analyzers (TOC), thermal analyzers, and electronic
    FDA Regulations on
  Genotoxic Impurities
            data to be reproduced at any time and preventing    balances. It advocates products and technologies required for
            overwriting, revising, or deleting the collected raw data. It   compliance with ER/ES regulations for all data generated in
            must also provide an audit trail that clarifies who did what   the laboratory, based on CLASS-Agent.
            operation and when.

            ˙  The CLASS-Agent Features

              CLASS-Agent securely and integrally controls the analytical
            ɾ                                                     entire laboratory.
              instrument data in a database. Registered data can be easily   ɾ
                                                                  Moreover, CLASS-Agent Report simplifies report generation and
              searched and browsed and an electronic signature can be     achieves compliance with ER/ES regulations by eliminating the
  Residual Solvents
              applied, according to the purpose.                  need for manual data entry into Microsoft Excel  and by
    FDA Regulations on
              Data obtained by the analytical instruments can be browsed,
            ɾ                                                     providing electronic management as required by the ER/ES
              electronically signed, and backed up by a single CLASS-Agent     regulations.
              Manager to provide efficient control of electronic data in the
                                    Database management
                                     Quantitation results
                                       Other data files
                                      Human-readable                                     Chromatogram review
                                         Andi files                                        Results display
                                         PDF files                   Client PC            Statistical analysis
                                                                                          Authorization by
                                                                                          electronic signature
    FDA Regulations on
  Inorganic Impurities
                                                 Database server                          Report generation
                                                                                          (public document)
                                                                Client PC
                     HPLC                                                         Printer
                                                                   RS-232C cable
                                                       UV                RS-232C cable  Laboratory

   Support from Shimadzu
                         Regulation-Compliant Network System Using
                         CLASS-Agent (Example)

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