Page 19 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 19

FDA Regulations on
                                                                                                     Inorganic Impurities
                                                                                                 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

               Analysis of Lead in White Sugar Using the AA-7000 and GFA-7000
               The Japanese Pharmacopoeia prescribes the analysis of   The measurement results were below the lower limit of
               lead in refined white sugar. The electrothermal   quantitation. Fig. 1 shows typical peak profiles
               atomization method (furnace method) is used for these   superimposed. Fig. 2 shows the calibration curve
               measurements. It offers good sensitivity and can analyze   (standard addition method). These measurements permit
               small sample quantities. The analysis of a simulated   quantitation to 0.3 ppb concentration in solution, which   Genotoxic Impurities  FDA Regulations on
               sample of commercially available granulated sugar   converts to 0.05 ppm in a solid. This easily meets the 0.5
               pretreated according to the Pharmacopoeia is introduced   ppm standard.
               A high-pressure digestion bomb was used for the                  0.070
               pretreatment. A 0.05 g sample was accurately measured
               into the PTFE inner vessel of the high-pressure digestion
               bomb, and 0.5 mL concentrated nitric acid for harmful            0.050
               metal measurement was added. The inner vessel was
               loaded into the outer pressure vessel. The high-pressure
               digestion bomb was heated for five hours at 150 °C in a
               thermostatic chamber. The high-pressure digestion bomb
               was allowed to cool. Purified water was added to make            0.020
               exactly 5 mL. This was used as the measured sample.                                                    Residual Solvents  FDA Regulations on
               That sample solution was quantitated by the standard
               addition method using the autosampler. Table 1 to Table 3
               show the analytical conditions.
                                                                                Fig. 1 Peak Profiles
                         Table 1 Monochromator Parameters
                      Ignition mode  BGC-D2                     A  0.070
                      Lamp current  Low (peak value) (mA): 10   s  0.060
                      Wavelength (nm)  283.3
                      Slit width (nm)   0.7                       0.050
                            Table 2 Standard Additives            0.040
                   Spiked        Dilution  Pb: 20 ppb  Total injection
                           Sample                                 0.030
                 concentration    liquid  STD     volume                                                              Inorganic Impurities  FDA Regulations on
                    0ppb    14      6      0        2             0.020
                    1ppb    14      4      2        20
                    2ppb    14      2      4        20
                    3ppb    14      0      6        20
                           Table 3 Temperature Programs                 0.000  0.500  1.000  1.500  2.000  2.500  3.000
                                                                                      Conc (ppb)
                   Temperature  Time (sec)   Heating   Sensitivity  Gas flow rate
                      (°C)          mode           (L/minute)                 Fig. 2 Calibration Curve
                 1     60      3    RAMP  REGULAR    0.10
                 2    120      20   RAMP  REGULAR    0.10
                 3    250      10   RAMP  REGULAR    0.10
                 4    600      10   RAMP  REGULAR    1.00
                 5    600      10   STEP  REGULAR    1.00
                 6    600      3    STEP  HIGH       0.00                                                              Support from Shimadzu
                 7*   2200     3    STEP  HIGH       0.00
                 8    2500     2    STEP  REGULAR    1.00
                            GFA tube, pyro-coated tube
                *: Atomization stage

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