Page 18 - Shimadzu’s Solutions for Impurities Analysis
P. 18

FDA Regulations on   Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
        Inorganic Impurities
                             of Inorganic Impurities
    Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

            ˙  Inorganic Impurity Analysis Using an Atomic Absorption

            Inorganic impurities are one class of impurity in   of inorganic impurities in pharmaceutical products. The
            pharmaceutical products listed in the ICH guidelines.   AA-7000 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is effective
            Inorganic impurities include metal from metal catalysts or   for the trace analysis of hazardous elements such as cadmium
            manufacturing equipment used for the synthesis of the   and arsenic. Determination of lead in refined white sugar is a
            pharmaceutical ingredients. Atomic absorption       typical example of this analysis.
            spectrophotometry is a method for the quantitative analysis
    FDA Regulations on
  Genotoxic Impurities
            ˙  The AA-7000 Features

              Incorporates newly developed 3D optical system. The  optical
              double-beam photometric system is automatically set for
              flame measurements and the high-throughput single-beam
              photometric system for furnace measurements. The optical
              system has been designed to produce its maximum
              performance for each measurement method through
              optimal adjustment of the light beam and by using a light
              beam digital filter and optical components that restrict light
  Residual Solvents
    FDA Regulations on
              Advances in the optical system and a new graphite furnace
              design achieve improved lower limits of detection for
              furnace analysis (comparison with Shimadzu products).
                                                                               Condition Setting Screens
              Digital temperature control and gas flow rate control
              enhance reproducibility. As a result, the AA-7000 achieves
              superb analysis performance in many fields.
              Select the ideal model for the target application: flame-only
              type with a short measurement time, furnace-only type ideal
              for trace analysis, or the dual-atomizer system with
              automatic flame/furnace switching.
              A single autosampler supports the dual flame/furnace type.
  Inorganic Impurities
    FDA Regulations on

                                                                                 Operation Screen

                                                                                 Workstation for AA
                       Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
   Support from Shimadzu

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