Page 20 - Shimadzu-MassSpectrometerCatalog
P. 20


            Headspace Analysis System                          Purge & Trap Analysis System
            Headspace analysis systems are used for qualitative and quantita-  Purge and trap analysis systems are used to perform highly sensi-
            tive analysis of substances such as flavorings in foods, odors in   tive measurements of VOCs or moldy odor-causing substances in
            chemical products, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in public   public drinking water, rivers, groundwater, and so on.
            drinking water, environmental water, or waste water, and residual
            solvents in pharmaceuticals.

            Pyrolysis System                                   Thermal Desorption System

            This system thermally decomposes polymer materials, such as plas-  This system prepares samples for introduction into a GS-MS system
            tics, rubbers and resins, over 500 ° C and analyzes the resulting   by using thermal desorption to decompose volatile organic com-
            pyrolysates with GC/MS.                            pounds collected in a tube filled with adsorbent material.
            It is used for structural analysis of polymer compounds, such as   Samples can also be placed directly in the tube and heated to ana-
            plastics and rubbers.                              lyze the evolved gases.

            LCMS-2020 Preparative System                       2-Dimensional LC/LCMS-IT-TOF System

            This high-throughput preparative purification system is made pos-  Co-Sense impurities LCMS-IT-TOF is an LC-MS system with
            sible by combining LCMSsolution with an instrument control solu-  column-switching technology that is designed specifically for ana-
            tion capable of controlling the Gilson 215 Liquid Handler and IFC   lyzing impurities.
            PAL liquid handler from CTC Analytics.
                                                               Existing HPLC methods, such as those using phosphate buffer
                                                               solutions or ion pair reagents, are used for the fist dimension to
                                                               identify peaks required for structural analysis. A mobile phase
                                                               suited to LC-MS is used to separate components in the second
                                                               dimension before introduction to the LC-MS system.

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