Page 17 - Shimadzu-MassSpectrometerCatalog
P. 17

GC/MS Method Package Ver. 2 for  Compound Composer Database
            Residual Pesticides in Foods                       Software for Simultaneous Analysis

            This package contains method files for quantitative analysis of 542   This database includes information registered for 942 environmen-
            pesticides.                                        tal pollutant compounds.
            These methods include analytical parameters optimized for residual   This enables identifying and estimating the concentration of
            pesticides in food. It also attach a glass insert suited to pesticide   environmental pollutants, residual pesticides, and other substances
            analysis and specifies which columns to use, which eliminates any   without using standard samples.         Software  - LCMS -
            doubt about setting analytical conditions or selecting parts.
                                                                     curves,                       Masses, calibration curves,
                                                                %BUBCBTF  spectra                  spectra Predicted
                                                                                                   retention times
                                                                                                   (target compounds)
                                                                 Retention times
                                                                 (target compounds
                                                                  n-alkane)                           ($.4TPMVUJPO
                                                                  O BMLBOF
                                                                  BOBMZTJT EBUB
                                                                                $PNQPVOE $PNQPTFS
            Flavor & Fragrance Natural & Synthetic             GC/MS Metabolite Component Database                      Software - GCMS -
            Compounds GCMS library Ver. 2 (FFNSC 2)            (amino acids, fatty acids, and organic acids)

            MS spectra, retention indexes, CAS number, compound name,   This database includes retention indices and mass spectra for 311
            molecular formula of 3,000 flavor and fragrance compounds are   metabolites (amino acids, fatty acids, and organic acids).
            included. By utilizing both MS spectrum and retention index, high   It also includes method files with optimized sample and data
            accurate identification results can be provided.   analysis settings, reducing the effort required for determining
            The measured spectrum (retention index 1090) and   analytical conditions and postrun analyses.
            the spectra of compounds with a high score running
            a library search           Simple library search results                     Index                          Software  - AXIMA -
                            Measured mass                               $PNQPVOE
                              spectrum                                                                 Handbook
                             Candidate 1
                             (Similarity : 95)
                             Candidate 2  Result after filtering with the retention index
                             (Similarity : 95)  (retention index allowance: ±10)
                                            Searching both the MS spectrum and
                                            retention index enhances reliability of

            GC/MS Forensic Toxicological Database              Other Libraries                                          System

            This database includes 1,011 mass spectra for 502 components   Pesticide Library Ver. 3 for Foods
            including their free bases and TMS and TFA derivatives, that are   Mass spectra for 578 pesticides measured using electron ionization (EI) and
                                                                383 pesticides measured using negative chemical ionization (NCI).
            necessary for forensic analysis, such as drugs of abuse, psychotropic
            drugs, general drugs, and pesticides.               NIST Library
            For components often linked to poisoning, quantitative values can   This library contains 243,893 spectra for 212,961 general compounds.
            be estimated without using standard samples.        Wiley Library (9th edition)
                                                                This library contains about 662,000 spectra for about 592,000 general
                                                                Drug Library                                            Application
                                                                This library contains spectra for 7,840 compounds including drugs, toxins,
                                                                pesticides, and environmental pollutants.
                                                                It includes information on.
                                                                VOC Analysis Software
                                                                This software includes a library for 74 volatile organic compounds.

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