Page 21 - Shimadzu-MassSpectrometerCatalog
P. 21

Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) System          GC × GC-MS System
            Solid phase microextraction (SPME) enables the analysis of organic   This system separates components using two columns with differ-
            substances with high sensitivity by first concentrating organic sub-  ent polarity.
            stances in a water or gas phase onto SPME fibers, then desorbing                                            Software  - LCMS -
                                                               Unlike multi-dimensional analysis, this system provides compre-
            the substances in the GC injection unit.
                                                               hensive 2-dimensional separation across the entire chromatogram
            Using an AOC-5000 Plus autosampler enables automating the   by repeatedly injecting samples into the second column in an
            entire process and ensuring good reproducibility.   extremely short time.

            Direct Sample Injection System                     Multifunctional Sample Injection System                  Software - GCMS -
            Direct sample injection is a method of bypassing the gas chromato-  The OPTIC-4 is a GC injection port that enables using various
            graph (GC) and injecting samples directly into the ion source.   GC/MS sample injection modes, such as high volume injection,
                                                               injection port derivativization, thermal desorption, or DMI (difficult
            This is especially suited to analyzing non-volatile compounds or ther-
                                                               matrix introduction).
            mally unstable compounds, which are difficult to analyze in a GC
            unit.                                              Used in combination with an AOC-5000 Plus autosampler, inserts
                                                               can be replaced automatically to increase productivity during mul-
                                                               tianalyte analysis.                                      Software  - AXIMA -

            AXIMA                                                                                                       System
            SEC-MALDI (LC-MALDI) System                         CHIP-1000/MALDI Imaging System

            The SEC-MALDI system first separates samples into their compo-  The CHIP-1000/MALDI imaging system is new technology that
            nents by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), then measures the   uses MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry to directly measure biological
            components using MALDI-TOF MS. This is especially useful for   molecules and metabolites on tissue specimens, without sample
            analyzing mixtures containing multiple components, such as syn-  extraction or labeling. The system displays the 2-dimensional
            thetic polymers.                                   distribution of the targeted biological molecules, based on their
                                                               positional information and the signal intensities of detected ions.  Application

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