Page 15 - Shimadzu-MassSpectrometerCatalog
P. 15
Formula Predictor MetID Solution
Formula Predictor is software used to predict the chemical composi- This software compares data from samples before and after they
tion formula of target peak. are metabolized to search for expected and unknown metabolites.
It uses a proprietary method to efficiently narrow down the number
of candidates. Software - LCMS -
Protein Analysis Software Open Solution ComponentID Software - GCMS -
This software automates operations ranging from sample analysis This is open-access software for LCMS-IT-TOF systems.
to protein identification. Because this software can be operated without any special detailed
knowledge, it eliminates the need for a specialized operator and
provides an environment where anyone can perform analyses easily. Software - AXIMA -
Profiling Solution Ver.1.1 System
This data viewer enables processing multiple files at the same time.
It can be used to correct retention times and normalize mass
accuracy and signal intensity.
It also allows exporting data for use in commercial multivariate
analysis software. Application