Page 14 - Electric&Electronics - Total Solution for Analyzing Electronic Devices
P. 14

Evaluation of Additives and Hazardous Substances

            Measurement of Hazardous Substances

            ● Screening for Elements Regulated by RoHS/ELV Directives                                                                 ● Evaluation of Halogen-Free State in Electrical/Electronic Materials
            ● Analysis of Elements in Layer Structure and Elemental Analysis of Contaminants                                          ● Measurement of Sulfur Components in Chemical Materials

            Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer                                                                         Anion Chromatograph
            EDX-7200 / 8100                                                                                                           HIC-ESP

            Compound-type solar cells are made by depositing a thin  lm of a                                                          In an effort to reduce environmental impact, halogen-free soldering materials are now commonly
            compound on a substrate by sputtering or another method. Energy                                                           used to address increasing requirements for reducing the content of halogen compounds in solder
            dispersive X-ray  uorescence spectrometers provide a very convenient                                                      materials used in electrical/electronic equipment. The Japan Electronics and Information Technology
            means of quickly and non-destructively measuring CIGS thin  lms.                                                          Industries Association (JEITA) has established standards for halogen-free soldering materials, both in
                                                                                                                                      terms of ensuring inherent solder bonding characteristics and reducing environmental impact. Those
                                                                                                                                      standards specify using pyrolysis to decompose  ux solids and ion chromatography to measure the
                                              CIGS Quantitative Analysis                                                              halogens as the test method to be used for determining the halogen content.
                  Diagram of Measurement Sample                      Qualitative Analysis Results from CIGS Film Sample No. 1
                                             (Quantity Deposited) Results
                                            Layer  Sample
                  Glass substrate  (100 % SiO2)  Coating quantity
                  Mo bottom electrode
                  CIGS thin  lm                                                                                                                 Ion Chromatograph                 Combustion Unit
                                SiK         Thin
                              MoK                                                                                                          Detector  Analytical column  Injector
                  Incident X-rays  CuK  ,InK                                                                                                                                         F, Cl, Br, S, and other
                             GaK  ,SeK                                                                                                                         Pump                   gasi ed elements
                                 Fluorescent X-rays  Thin  Coating quantity                                                                         CI
                                 from each layer  Film  (µg/cm2)                                                                                     Br  SO4
                                                                                                                                            Data   F
                                                                                                                                           processing        Eluent
                                                                                                                                             unit                           Trapped in absorbing  Heated to about
                                                                                                                                                                                solution   1000 °C
            Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer                                                                             This system is used to analyze the halogen and   Combustion gases from combusting the sample
                                                                                                                                          sulfur content in plastics, lubricant oils, and
                                                                                                                                                                           at a high temperature are trapped in an absorbing
            EDX-LE Plus                                                                                                                   electronic materials.            solution, and then accurately analyzed with an ion  Analysis of Solder Flux
            This system can quickly measure samples to screen for the  ve elements and
            six substances governed by the environmental regulations in the Directive on
            the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
            electronic equipment (RoHS Directive), and to screen for the four elements                                                ●  Accurate Quantitative Analysis of Substances Regulated by RoHS/ELV Directives
            and four substances governed by the environmental regulations in the
            End-of-Life Vehicle Directive (ELV Directive) in Europe. It can also be used for                                          ICP Emission Spectrometer and ICP Mass Spectrometer
            general material analysis, failure analysis, or plating thickness analysis.
                                                                                                                                      ICPE-9800 Series / ICPMS-2030
                                                                                                                                      The international standard IEC 62321 speci es using ICP optical emission spectrometry,
            ●Analysis of Phthalate Esters and Brominated Flame Retardants Speci ed in the RoHS Directive                              ICP mass spectrometry, and atomic absorption spectrometry for accurate measurement
                                                                                                                                      of lead, cadmium, and mercury.
            Phthalate Ester Screening System
            Py-Screener Ver.2
                                                                                                     Preparation  Processing              Polyethylene Plastic Analysis Results by Calibration Curve Method
                                                                                                                                             Sample        BCR680             BCR681
            The Py-Screener system is designed to screen for phthalate esters in plastics.                                                   RoHS  Detection  Pretreatment  Certi ed  Pretreatment  Certi ed
            In Europe, the use of phthalate esters is restricted under the Directive on the restriction of the   Analysis  Maintenance  Element  Limit  Limit  Method Method Method  Value  Method Method Method  Value
            use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS (II) Directive).                            Cd  100  0.02  140  140  141  140.8  21.1  21.3  21.6  21.7
            Phthalate esters are thermally extracted from samples using a pyrolysis GC/MS (Py-GC/MS)                                     Pb  1000*  0.2  106  <    107  107.6  13.2  <    13.7  13.8
            system to selectively detect and quantify any phthalate esters. This screening system includes                               Cr  1000  0.03  106  112  115  114.6  16.1  17.3  17.9  17.7
                                                                                                                                         Hg  1000  0.2  <    24.2  25.3  25.3  <    4.3  4.4  4.5
            dedicated software, special standard samples, a sampling tool kit, and other items prepared                                  As   -     0.5     27  30  31  30.9  3  4  4  3.93
            speci cally for easy screening of phthalate esters by Py-GC/MS. That ensures the system can be                              Detection limit with 0.2 g sample pretreated with 20 mL diluent
            easily operated even by inexperienced users.                                                                                < symbol: Less than detection limit   *: Max allowable Cr6+
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