Page 12 - Electric&Electronics - Total Solution for Analyzing Electronic Devices
P. 12

Comprehensive Quantitation Functions

            Evaluation of Optical Properties

            Evaluation of Film Thickness                                                                                              Measurement of Re ectance and Transmittance

            Infrared Spectrophotometer                                                                                                ● Measurement of Antire ection Coating Re ectance
            IRSpirit Series / IRAf nity-1S / IRTracer-100

            ● Quantitative Measurement of Phosphorus and Boron in Silicon Wafers by the PLS Method                                    UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
                                                                                                                                      SolidSpec-3700i / 3700i DUV

            IRSpirit series, IRAffinity-1S, and IRTracer-100 spectrophotometers
            have earned an excellent reputation for use in a wide variety of                                                          As the world’s  rst spectrophotometer to include three detectors,
            structural analysis and non-destructive measurement applications,                                                         these systems offer higher sensitivity, a broad measurement range
            such as for qualitative analysis of defect locations on IC chips or                                                       extending from near-infrared to deep ultraviolet regions, and an
            other small parts in the electronic/electrical/semiconductor  eld.                                                        extra-large sample compartment that can accommodate large samples
                                                                                                                                      up to 700 × 560 mm. In particular, they offer solutions for applications
            The infrared spectrum from transmission through a silicon wafer                                                           in the semiconductor,  at panel display, and optics industries.
            that contains phosphorus and boron as a dopant shows a peak at
            1100 cm  due to Si-O stretching vibration. However, it is dif cult to
            quantify both the phosphorus and boron at the same time, due to                                                              Currently, antire ection (AR) coatings are used in a wide variety of products,   light penetrating the screen. Since the re ectance level of AR coatings is a key
            the P-O stretching vibration peak that should be visible at 1330 cm    Quantitative Calculation Results                      such as lenses, eyewear, various displays, automotive windshields, solar panels,   factor that determines their quality, there is an important need to measure the
            being obscured by an overlapping B-O band peak centered at 1390   Table 1 Quantitative Calculation Results by the PLS I Method  and optical communication devices. For example, applying an AR coating on a   re ectance accurately.
                                                                                                                                         display screen surface can improve visibility by reducing the amount of external
            cm . However, by using PLS quantitative calculation software with a
            Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, both can be                                                                        10.00                         15.00                        25.00
            quanti ed at the same time by the PLS method, an advanced version
            of principal component analysis (PCA), as shown in the table. (The                                                                                             10.00
            table shows a comparison of concentrations in a solution from a                                                                   5.00                                                      15.00
            silicon wafer dissolved in acid, measured using a high-frequency                                                                                               R%
            plasma emission spectrometer.) The system can also be used to                                                                    R%                            5.00                         R%  10.00
            predict the thickness of silicon wafers used as samples.                                                                                                                                     5.00
                                                                                                                                              -2.00                        -2.00                         0.00
                                                                                                                                               300.0  400.0  500.0  600.0  700.0  300.0  400.0  500.0  600.0  700.0  1000.0  1200.0  1400.0  1600.0  1800.0  2000.0
              Infrared Spectrum of a                                                                                                                      nm                           nm                            nm

              Silicon Wafer                                                                                                                     Re ectance Spectrum of AR Coating  Re ectance Spectrum of AR Coating  Re ectance Spectrum of AR Coating
                                                                                                                                                  (Antire ection near 400 nm)  (Antire ection between 300 to 500 nm)  (Antire ection near 1500 nm)
                                                                                                                                      ● Transmittance Measurement of Smartphone
                                                                                                                                       Proximity Sensor Window

                                                                                                                                      UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
            ● Measurement of Fluoropolymer Film Thickness on Hard Drive Discs                                                         UV-1900i

                                                                 Infrared Spectrum of Fluoropolymer  Calibration Curve for Fluoropolymer Film
            The disc surfaces in computer internal hard drives are coated with a   on a Hard Drive Disc  Thickness on Hard Drive Disc  This double-beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer features Shimadzu’s
             uoropolymer as a lubricant. High-sensitivity re ection absorption   0.08
                                                               ABS                     50.0                                           proprietary Lo-Ray-Ligh grating. Low stray light levels and high
            spectroscopy (RAS) is an effective method for measuring the   0.075         Å  Wavenumber range:
                                                               0.07                    40.0  1200 to 1350 cm -1                       reproducibility (photometric repeatability) enable accurate
            thickness of  uoropolymer  lm coatings. At incident angles of 70
                                                              0.065                    30.0                                           quantitative analysis of both low and high concentrations.
            degrees or more, thin  lms less than 1.0  m thick can be measured.  0.06
                                                               0.05                    10.0
                                                                1600  1550  1500  1450  1400  1350  1300  1250  1200  1150  1100  1050  1000  0.2  0.25  0.3  0.35  0.4  0.45  0.5  0.55  0.6  0.65  0.7  0.75  0.8  0.85  Visible region  Near-infrared region
                                                                                     1/cm                    1/cm*ABS                    Transmittance Measurement of Smartphone                                100.00
                                                                                                                                         Proximity Sensor Window                                                 80.00
            ● Measurement of Epitaxial Film Thickness on Silicon Wafer
                                                                                                                                         The proximity sensor window in smartphones must maintain high transmittance   T% 60.00
                                                                                                                                         levels in the near-infrared region used for detecting the proximity of objects.   Infrared
            Using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer, the                                                             Meanwhile, they also must suppress the transmittance of visible light to reduce   40.00
             lm thickness can be calculated from the interference fringe                                                                 visibility into the smartphone from the outside. Therefore, it is extremely   Proximity   20.00
                                                                                                                                         important that the transmittance properties of proximity sensor windows are   sensor
            spectrum based on the equation to the right, where n is the sample   Δm  1                                                   appropriate for respective wavelength regions. Those transmittance      0.00
            refractive index, Θ is the infrared light angle of incidence onto the   d  2 n -Sin   θ  (   )                               characteristics are checked using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer.            380.0  600.0  nm  800.0  1000.0
            sample,  m is the number of peaks or valleys within the           ν 1 -ν 2                                                                                                      Proximity Sensor Con guration  Transmittance Example of Smartphone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Proximity Sensor Window
            wavenumber range being calculated, and ν1 and ν2 are the
            maximum and minimum values within the wavenumber range.
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