Page 30 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 30


           Selection                                      These article were selected by Shimadzu. Relating Biopharmaceutical analysis and
                                                          development, they are from posters presented at ASMS 2021. They feature a variety
                                                          of instruments we produce and include cutting-edge technologies. Please obtain the
                                                          articles of your interest through the links on the titles.

                                             Guide to Biopharmaceutical Solutions
            This Biopharmaceutical Solutions Guide introduces the best solutions for each step of the biopharmaceutical development process, including cell line optimization,
            culture, purification, characterization, quality control, and pharmacokinetics.

                  Analysis of Protein Drugs Aggregation              Oligonucleotides analysis by Ion Exchange
                  Using Size Exclusion Chromatography               Chromatography and Effects of pH Changes
            This article describes an aggregate analysis using a Shimadzu   in the Mobile Phase on Separation
            “Shim-pack™ Bio Diol” , size exclusion chromatography column with   In this article, we introduce an analytical method for the separation of
            “Nexera XS inert”, an ultra high performance liquid chromatograph.   oligonucleotides of different length by ion-exchange chromatography,
            This chromatograph has high salt tolerance and metal-free flow path and   assuming that shorter length components are impurities derived from
            allows to use highly salted mobile phases and prevents sample adsorption.  the synthesis process. In order to achieve optimal analytical performances
                                                                an inert UHPLC system was used. The Nexera XS inert, which is designed
                                                                to suppress the adsorption of metal-coordinating compounds containing
                                                                phosphate groups. We also report the effect of changesin mobile phase
                                                                pH on analytical results.

                Achieving Improved Sensitivity and Reliable      Charge variant analysis of mAb biotherapeutics by
              Analytical Performances in Nucleotides Analysis       Nexera XS with a Shim-pack Bio IEX Column
            Stainless steel is commonly used in HPLC due to its pressure proof and   Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are the most approved biopharmaceuticals
            corrosion resistant. However, it can interact with compounds containing   used to treat severe and chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune, car-
            phosphate group(s) by metallic affinity. This is a factor that negatively   diovascular, respiratory, hematology, and several infections. They have an
            affecting the shape and intensity of the peak. In order to suppress metal   enormous therapeutic and commercial value which makes them among
            adsorption, cleaning flow path with phosphoric acid, addition of chelating   the top 10 best sellers of pharmaceuticals for several past years. In recent
            agents to mobile phase, or repeated injections of the target compounds   years, the use of mAbs has been expanded due to significant advances
            are often performed. Nevertheless, it is not easy to obtain highly repro-  in design thus decreasing immunogenicity in humans, improving their
            ducible results. This article introduces the use of the Nexera XS inert   bioavailability, and specific affinity for antigen-binding.
            ultra-high performance liquid chromatograph, which utilizes a metal-free
            flow path, and a metal-free column for the accurate and reproducible
            analysis of nucleotides.

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