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before, how important the role of pharma is in today’s world. We
            also recognize that society is currently undergoing major changes, es-
            pecially due to the pandemic, and we are thus continuously improv-
            ing ourselves to become an even stronger partner of innovation and
            technology. Our objective has always been to add long term value
            to our customers’ journeys and help increase efficiency in Pharma.”

            A Truly immersive virtual 3D futuristic experience
            This year saw the summit being showcased in a brand-new digital
            avatar. Leveraging on the technological advances made in CGI or
            Computer-Generated Imagery and Augmented Reality, Shimadzu
            was able to re-create and broadcast the entire experience of a physical
            summit over the internet on the site www.shimadzupharmasummit.
            com. The absolutely stunning graphical interfaces, combined with
            world-class content from global thought leaders, helped deliver an
            exceptionally captivating experience to the customers and other at-
            tendees, which has never before been witnessed by them in the phys-  For details on the Speakers & Panelists
            ical world.

                                                               The Workflow Stations
                                                               One of  the most  important and  unique features  of this  year’s
                                                               summit were the 6 Workflow Stations, namely:
                                                               Station 1: Shimadzu’s Unique Drug Discovery Workflow
                                                               Station 2: Shimadzu’s Total BioPharma Workflow
                                                               Station 3: Shimadzu’s Work-From-Anywhere QA/QC Workflow
                                                               Station 4: Shimadzu’s Advanced Natural Products Workflow
                                                               Station 5: Shimadzu’s Comprehensive Nitrosamines Workflow
                                                               Station 6: Shimadzu’s Tech-celeration Solutions for Pharma

                                                               As the names indicate, each of these stations featured a comprehen-
                                                               sive deep dive into the various workflows that the attendees could
                                                               utilize in their laboratories for Pharma DX.
            Speakers & Panelists
            The Shimadzu 8th Global Pharma Summit 2021 witnessed partici-  Launch of the World’s First Living LC
            pation from some of the top pharma industry leaders from across the   The Shimadzu 8th Global Pharma Summit 2021 also saw the un-
            world. Keeping in mind the extensive knowledge that these eminent   veiling of the World’s First Living LC. This UHPLC-ready LC,
            individuals already possessed and the niche subject of Pharma DX,   which is as dynamic and intelligent as life itself, is the first-in-line of
            it became imperative that Shimadzu had to source the best subject   many soon-to-come “Living Instruments”. These instruments will
            matter experts from across the world, if the content of the summit   showcase pioneering innovations and autonomous features like
            was to be made valuable enough for the already enlightened au-  Self-Optimising, Self-Adapting and Self-Learning abilities and are
            dience. The wide range of speakers and panelists from across the   designed keeping in mind the futuristic Smart Labs. The Living LC
            world, who obliged to share their knowledge at the summit.  and other Living Instruments will play a crucial role in enabling
                                                               in Pharma DX and transforming Pharma 4.0 now and in the near
                                                               future as well.

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