Page 38 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 38

Initially, TOC analyzers were mainly used for ensuring the    Extractables and leachables from plastic materials: A TOC
            water quality of environmental waters, industrial effluents, and   analyzer compliant with standards for substances extracted from
            so on, but later, as TOC performance improved, the scope of ap-  plastic materials in pharmaceutical packaging (USP 661) can be
            plications expanded. Now they are also used for quality control   used to easily check for extracted substances with high sensitivity.
            of purified and ultrapure water, for ensuring compliance with   Pharmaceutical  packing  materials  interact  with  pharmaceuti-
            public  drinking  water  quality  standards,  for  controlling/evaluat-  cals. Substances that can be transferred from packaging materials
            ing pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, and for researching   to pharmaceuticals under normal storage conditions are referred to
            carbon-neutrality. Thus they serve a vital role in various fields im-  as “leachables,” whereas components that form under more severe
            portant for people and the Earth.                  storage conditions are referred to as “extractables.” Due to the in-
                                                               crease in biopharmaceuticals, there has been growing interest in
            Applications for Biopharmaceuticals                extractables and leachables in recent years. Because most biop-
            At pharmaceutical manufacturing sites, in-         harmaceuticals are injectable drugs, there is a high risk of biop-
            gredients and rinse water must be controlled       harmaceuticals interacting with packaging materials. Furthermore,
            based on pharmacopoeia requirements in re-         to reduce biopharmaceutical manufacturing costs, momentum is
            spective countries. The following describes        also increasing for using continuous production methods. The use
            an application of using TOC analysis for    Takahide  Hiramatsu  of plastic materials in single-use production equipment also adds
            biopharmaceutical manufacturing.  Application Specialist  the risk of leachables being introduced from such equipment.
                                                               Shimadzu TOC analyzers can be used as a physicochemical testing
              Culture tank cleaning validation: Using an online TOC ana-  parameter for extractables.
            lyzer to validate the culture tank cleaning process can shorten the
            validation time and reduce human errors.
                                                                     TOC – Determination according to USP 661.1
               Biopharmaceutical production lines include a large number of
                                                                     Testing of Plastic Packaging Systems and their
            culture tanks. Inadequate cleaning of culture tanks can prevent the   Materials of Construction
            culturing process from progressing as expected, which can some-
                                                                     TOC – Determination according to USP 661.2
            times waste an entire tank of ingredients. However, using an offline
                                                                     Testing of Plastic Packaging Systems and their
            TOC analyzer to check the cleaning status of culture tanks requires   Materials of Construction
            people to sample the rinse water and measure the samples in a lab-
            oratory, which is time-consuming and expensive. In contrast, using
            an online TOC analyzer can reduce waiting times by periodically   Looking forward to the future of TOC
            measuring automatically sampled rinse water and successively   Ever  since  Shimadzu  released  its  first  TOC  analyzer  in  1972,
            sending that data to a host computer.              Shimadzu has been constantly improving TOC analyzer accuracy,
                                                               sensitivity, functionality, the product line, and options. Today, as
                  Cleaning Validation System for               the leading TOC analyzer company, Shimadzu now has the largest
                  Biopharmaceutical Cell Culture Tanks Using   global market share. In the future as well, Shimadzu remains com-
                  On-Line TOC Analyzer
                                                               mitted to “Realizing Our Wishes for the Well-being of Mankind
                                                               and the Earth” by continuing to develop additional systems.

            Image: Environmental TOC Development Team

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