Page 39 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 39

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                       Release of the Nexera XS inert

          High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph

            Shimadzu Corporation announces the release of the Nexera XS   of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, was designed and
            inert high-performance liquid chromatograph globally. The Nexera   developed in order to resolve such problems. Nonmetallic mate-
            XS inert incorporates rust-resistant materials and nonmetallic   rials are used for the flow lines through which the samples pass,
            materials that limit the adsorption of molecules to provide stable   preventing adsorption of molecules prone to metallic adsorption
            measurements of biopharmaceuticals and medium molecule phar-  by the instrument. As a result, sensitivity in LC and LC/MS tests is
            maceuticals* . Through this product, Shimadzu aims to expand its   not prone to decrease, and the accuracy of data is maintained even
            business performance in the market for biopharmaceuticals such   in repeated analyses. Additionally, rust-resistant materials are used
            as antibody drugs and medium molecule pharmaceuticals such as   in the design, so that the instrument provides stable operation and
            nucleic acid drugs.                                highly reliable data, even after long-term use of saline and other
               In recent years, in the pharmaceutical industry, the development   solutions for corrosive to metals.
            of biopharmaceuticals, such as antibody drugs, as well as medium   As an LC manufacturer, Shimadzu has the top share of the
            molecule pharmaceuticals utilizing peptides and oligonucleotides   Japanese market, and our flagship Nexera series LC system is used
            has accelerated. These new modalities*  have chemical characteris-  by a wide range of customers thanks to its high basic performance
            tics that differ from low molecular compounds, which are currently   level and excellent usability. The Nexera XS inert is intended
            the mainstream in pharmaceuticals. Accordingly, new techniques   to expand our global share by strengthening our share of the
            will be required in situations such as research and development   pharma/biopharma market. By continuing to heighten data reli-
            related to drug efficacy and toxicity as well as in manufacturing   ability, Shimadzu is promoting more streamlined analysis and
            and  quality  control.  High-performance  liquid  chromatographs   testing, thereby contributing to the rapid development of bio- and
            (LC) and liquid chromatograph mass spectrometers (LC-MS) may   medium molecule pharmaceuticals.
            also pose problems. For example, molecules prone to adsorption   *1  Medium molecule pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceuticals that use molecules with a molecular
            by metals become adsorbed within the instrument during analysis,   weight between 500 and 2000
                                                               *2 Modality: The type and form of pharmaceuticals
            leading to data inaccuracies and reducing sensitivity. In addition,
            depending on the test method, the LC system might rust, and per-
            formance might deteriorate because of long-term use or insufficient
            cleaning after use.                                       For more details, visit Nexera XS inert
               Nexera XS inert, based on the outcome of cooperative re-
            search with Professor Yasushi Ishihama of the Graduate School

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