Page 40 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 40


          New Products

            EDX-7200                                            LC/MS/MS Method Package
            Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer   for Modified Nucleosides
                                                                For LabSolutions™ LCMS
            A flagship model of the EDX series
            in pursuit of high sensitivity, high                This Method Package provides
            speed and high precision. This                      optimized analytical conditions,
            model supports new regulations and                  including chromatographic sepa-
            directives for consumer and environ-                ration and MS parameters, for
            mental compliance, such as RoHS/                    the determination of two types
            ELV, REACH, and TSCA with full                      of modified nucleosides and
            exclusive screening analysis kits.                  factors for normalization.
                              Learn more                                          Learn more

            SialoCapper™-ID Kit                                 LabSolutions MD
            Sialic Acid Stabilizing Kit for                     Solution for Method Development
            Linkage Isomer Discrimination                       and Analytical Quality by Design
            The SialoCapper-ID Kit im-                          The LabSolutions MD uses an
            proves sialoglycan sensitivity                      Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD)
            while stabilizing sialic acids                      approach for achieving efficient
            and reducing their degrada-                         method development. It streamlines
            tion. This kit enables highly                       all workflow steps from experimen-
            reliable measurement data                           tal design to design space construc-
            acquisition and labor-saving                        tion, enabling even non-experts to
            experiments.                                        develop optimal analytical methods.

                              Learn more                                          Learn more

            Cell Pocket Ver. 2                                  AP W-AD Series

            Web Application Supporting                          Analytical Balances
            Cellular Observations
            This system can perform image                       New automatic doors and touchless
            analysis using AI technology (deep                  sensors enable the entire range of
            learning) on cell images taken with                 weighing operations to be per-
            a microscope and aggregate and                      formed without touching the oper-
            manage experimental data including                  ating panel on the main unit, which
            cell images through a Web browser.                  helps prevent infections and reduces
                                                                the risk of foreign matter contami-
            * This product is only available in Southeast Asia,
             China and Oceania.                                 nating analytical samples.
                              Learn more                                          Learn more

            Nexera XS inert                                     MALDI-8030
            Ultra High Performance                              Dual-Polarity Benchtop Linear
            Liquid Chromatograph                                MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer
            The Nexera XS inert incorporates a                  The MALDI-8030 is the class-leading
            non-metallic material in the flow path              instrument – versatile, compact and
            where the injected sample comes into                affordable. It is specified for
            contact, reducing the adsorption of                 dual-polarity to cater for compounds
            metal-adsorbing molecules to the LC                 best suited for analysis in negative
            system and   provides corrosion resis-              ion mode. Its outstanding perfor-
            tance to mobile phases containing                   mance is a result of its high mass
            high concentrations of salt.                        accuracy and sensitivity.

                              Learn more                                          Learn more

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