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               Global Pharma Summit 2021 Report

            On November 19th, 2021, Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) hosted the 8th     join hands in formulating strategies to transform their businesses using
            edition of the Shimadzu Global Pharma Summit in Singapore. In ac-  Pharma Digital Transformation or Pharma DX. The huge turnout of
            cordance with the current trends and keeping in mind the needs of the   people globally at the various physical locations and over the inter-
            customer, the summit was aptly themed - Pharma Digital Transformation   net, makes this the largest Shimadzu Global Pharma Summit ever
            or “Pharma DX”. The on-demand version of the summit is available for   till date. Majority of these participants were either CXOs, Managing
            your viewing pleasure at   Directors, Directors, Presidents, Vice Presidents or belonged to other
                                                               key decision-making positions, as is the case with all previous sum-
                                                               mits over the years. The display of Shimadzu’s strength at the summit
                   Shimadzu 8th Global Pharma Summit 2021      in the form of its state-of-the art technology solutions and instruments
                                                               or its ability to gather the key opinion leaders of the pharma industry
                                                               from across the world under one virtual roof, helped build an unfor-
            The Pharma Summit is a platform that Shimadzu provides to the   gettable brand image in the minds of the customers.
            global pharma industry to network, share and discuss strategies for
            the future of pharma. This year the summit was held “Phygitally”   Dr. Teruhisa Ueda, President and CEO, Shimadzu Corporation
            (physically + digitally). While on one had participants virtually   Japan, while delivering the Welcome Address, highlighted that,
            joined the online portal showcasing a completely immersive 3D   “With the advent of the pandemic, it is now more evident than ever
            environment, on the other, key VIPs and industry leaders joined
            physically at multiple locations across India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
            The online broadcast was done across 2 time zones (12:30pm IST
            & 11 am EDT) to cater to the attendees from various parts of the
            world like the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

            This year’s Phygital summit was a first-of-its kind by an analytical
            instrument manufacturer anywhere in the world. The milestone
            event witnessed participation from over 2000 global pharma lead-
            ers from over 100 global pharma organization and from18 countries,     Dr. Teruhisa Ueda

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