Page 27 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 27


                      Results of SEC Analysis

            100 µL of the fraction around the peak top eluted by the affinity
            purification as the first step was re-injected and evaluated by the
            SEC analysis as the second step. The results are shown in Fig. 5. In
            the SEC analysis, a main peak (Peak 2) and a broad peak (Peak 1)
            before Peak 2 were detected. To briefly estimate the molecular
            weight of the protein from the peaks obtained by SEC analysis,
            the mixture of thyroglobulin (669 kDa), aldolase (158 kDa), and
            ovalbumin (44 kDa) and the mixture of ferritin (440 kDa) and
            conalbumin (75 kDa) were evaluated as standard proteins by SEC
            (Fig. 6). The elution times of the protein standard solutions indi-  Fig. 5. Chromatogram from SEC Analysis
            cate that almost all the purified IgG from human plasma existed
            as monomers.

                        SDS-PAGE Analysis

            All fractions from affinity purification and SEC analysis were col-
            lected in a 96-well deep well plate. The peak-top fractions were
            evaluated by SDS-PAGE analysis (non-reducing and reducing).
            The peak-top fractions collected from both affinity purification
            and SEC analysis showed bands at the same position as standard
            human IgG (Fig. 7). Based on the results, both peaks 1 and 2 in
            SEC were IgG. Structurally similar 4 sub-classes of IgG in human
            blood could give broadened peak shapes due to the small differ-
            ences in molecular size and/or structure.                Fig. 6. SEC Chromatograms of Standard Proteins


            The liquid handler (LH-40) installed in the LC system provided a
            seamless process from purification to analysis and required simply
            placing the sample in the liquid handler. For routine work with
            prespecified targets, it can be used to analyze only the target frac-
            tions. By adding one more column switching valve and increasing
            the number of columns, the system can also be used to screen
            purification parameters or purify samples in multiple steps. After
            fractions are collected in a 96-well plate, they can be used directly
            for SDS-PAGE, ELISA, or various other analytical methods.  Fig. 7. SDS-PAGE Analysis

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