Page 23 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 23


               Deamidation of asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln) has an   for control and stress induced samples of trastuzumab biosimilar is
            important role in regulating the heterogeneity and stability of re-  given in Table 3. It can be observed that three sites, viz., HC-361,
            combinant mAbs. Deamidation is one of the most challenging   HC-107 and HC-431 have shown methionine oxidation only in
            PTMs to characterize using MS-based techniques. Deamidation   oxidative stress induced sample and are absent in control as well
            results in conversion of –NH  to –OH (+0.984 Da), which has a   as deamidation stress induced samples which shows susceptibility
            very similar mass shift as the first  C isotope peak of the native   of these sites to oxidation stress. Site HC-255 has shown methio-
            peptide (+1.0034 Da) . 5                           nine-oxidation in all three samples, however, relative abundance
                                                               of modified peptide is higher (77.5%) in oxidative stress induced
            Deamidation  modification  example  is  illustrated  with  sample as compared to control and deamidation stress induced
            ‘ASQDVNTAVAWYQQKPGK’ peptide (refer to Fig. 5). Mass   samples (6.35 and 7.29%). This site appears to be most susceptible
            shift of ‘+ 0.329 Da’ (for +3 charge state) is observed in MS1 scan   to oxidative stress. Site HC-83 has shown minor level of methio-
            spectra of modified peptide which is very close to first  C isotope   nine oxidation in all three samples with almost comparable relative
            m/z of unmodified precursor ion. Hence, careful evaluation of pre-  abundance which indicates that this site may not be susceptible to
            cursor ion mass shift, MS/MS pattern and change in the retention   oxidative stress.
            time is essential before assigning deamidation modification.  Similarly, sites LC-30, HC-289, HC-387, HC-392, HC-55,
               It is observed that deamidated peptide is eluting later than its   HC-84 and HC-318 have shown deamidation. Some of these mod-
            unmodified counterpart. MS/MS fragmentation pattern revealed   ifications could be sample preparation artefacts introduced due to
            that product ion m/z up to y12  are same for modified as well   elevated pH used during sample preparation. Nevertheless, sites
            as unmodified peptide. However, y13  fragment ion showed dif-  LC-30 and HC-318 have shown elevated levels of deamidation
            ference of 0.49 Da (for ‘+2’ charge state) as seen in Fig. 5 con-  modification in deamidation stress induced sample as compared to
            firming the presence of deamidation modification and its location   control and oxidative stress induced samples indicating potential
            on given peptide. Relative abundance summary of PTMs observed   susceptibility of these sites.

            Table 3. Relative abundance summary of PTMs for control and stress induced samples of trastuzumab biosimilar

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