Page 26 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
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              Affinity Purification                              SEC analysis

            Fig. 1. Flow Path Diagram of Affinity Purification   Fig. 2. Flow Path Diagram of SEC Analysis

               Analytical Conditions and Samples                     Results of Affinity Purification

            5 mL of commercial human plasma EDTA-2Na was placed in a   5 mL of the diluted human plasma sample was injected into the
            15 mL tube, diluted 5-fold using a 10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate   IgG purification column after being equilibrated with mobile phase
            buffer (pH 6.9, mobile phase A), and placed in the liquid handler   A. Then the non-specific adsorbates were washed out with mobile
            rack. Then the sample was purified by affinity chromatography   phase A (Fig. 3). Finally, IgG was eluted by mobile phase B (Fig. 4).
            using an IgG purification column, based on the conditions in Table 1.
            The fractions were collected in a 96-well deep well plate placed in
            the liquid handler. In this case, 100 µL of the fraction around the
            peak top was analyzed by SEC based on the conditions in Table 2.

            Table 1. Analytical Conditions for Affinity Purification
             Column      HiTrap™ rProtein A FF (1 mL, Cytiva)
             Mobile Phase A  10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate buffer (pH 6.9)
             Mobile Phase B  100 mmol/L (sodium) citrate buffer (pH 4.0)
             Time Program  0% (0 – 10 min) → 100% (10.01 - 20 min) →
             (B. Conc. )  → 0% (20.01 – 35 min)
             Flowrate    1.0 mL/min
             Column Temp.  15˚C                                Fig. 3. Chromatogram of Binding Section during Affinity Purification
             Injection Volume  5 mL
             Detection   280 nm (SPD-20A)
             Flow Cell   Inert flow cell

            Table 2. Analytical Conditions for SEC
             Column      Shim-Pack™ Bio Diol-300* 1  (300 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
             Guard Column  Shim-Pack Bio Diol-300 (G)* 2  (30 mm × 8.0 mm I.D., 5 µm)
             Mobile Phase A  10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate buffer (pH 6.9)
             Flowrate    0.5 mL/min
             Column Temp.  15˚C
             Injection Volume  100 µL
             Detection   280 nm (SPD-20A)
             Flow Cell   Inert flow cell
            *1: P/N 227-31010-04, *2: P/N 227-31010-06         Fig. 4. Chromatogram of Elution during Affinity Purification

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