Page 29 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
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            surface and are rapidly proteolyzed by trypsin immobilized on 200   We envision that this technology will provide wide adaptation
            nm diameter of nanoparticles. Using the difference of two particle   of mAb quantification that is easy to adopt in clinical settings by
            size, immobilized trypsin has physicochemically limited access to   installing nSMOL with an automated system, and that will con-
            the Fab of IgGs on the Protein A resins. Therefore, the signature   tribute to the mAb development and therapeutic optimization for
            peptides that identified the specific structure of each IgG Fab can   many human diseases, such as cancers, autoimmune, infectious,
            be efficiently harvested, and as a result, the peptide number to be   and metabolic diseases.
            brought to the subsequent multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)
            with LC-MS analysis can be reduced. Since the development of
            nSMOL in 2014, we have established the quantification method for   References
            more than 40 mAbs or Fc-fusion proteins .          1.  Iwamoto, N., et al., Selective detection of complementarity-deter-
                                                                  mining regions of monoclonal antibody by limiting protease access
               In two collaborative studies with Providence Cancer Institute
                                                                  to the substrate: nano-surface and molecular-orientation limited
            for the innovative cancer immunotherapy, the serum trough levels   proteolysis. Analyst, 2014. 139(3): p. 576­80.
            of mAb were measured using nSMOL method in patients with ad-
                                                               2.  Iwamoto, N. and T. Shimada, Structure-Indicated LC-MS/MS Bioanalysis
            vanced melanoma or head and neck squamous cell carcinoma   re-  of Therapeutic Antibodies. Methods Mol Biol, 2022. 2313: p. 187­205.
                                      3, 4
            ceiving pembrolizumab or ipilimumab . The analytical conditions
                                                               3.  Curti, B.D., et al., Enhancing clinical and immunological effects of
            of each mAb using nSMOL method were validated according to   anti-PD-1 with belapectin, a galectin-3 inhibitor. J Immunother
            the Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance for Industry issued   Cancer, 2021. 9(4).
            by the US FDA. We have successfully established assays to quan-  4.  Koguchi, Y., et al., Trough levels of ipilimumab in serum as a poten-
            tify both these mAbs in serum, with the lower limits of quantifica-  tial biomarker of clinical outcomes for patients with advanced mela-
                                                                  noma after treatment with ipilimumab. J Immunother Cancer, 2021.
            tion using conventional LC-MS of 0.5 ug/mL for pembrolizumab
            and 1 ug/mL for ipilimumab, respectively. The medical statistics of
            the relationship between clinical findings and the trough levels of
            mAbs in serum indicated that the therapeutic mAb monitoring can
                                                                  About Providence Cancer Institute
                                                2, 3
            be a potential biomarker for cancer immunotherapy .
                                                                  Providence Cancer Institute, a part of Providence St. Joseph Health, offers
               Our findings demonstrate the importance of monitoring the   the latest in cancer services, including diagnostic, treatment, prevention,
            trough levels of more immune checkpoint inhibitor mAbs in serum   education, support and internationally renowned research. Providence
                                                                  Cancer Institute is home to the Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, a world­
            for cancer immunotherapy. In recent years, the antibody-based
                                                                  class research facility located within the Robert W. Franz Cancer Center
            therapeutics for the treatment of cancer are becoming more and   in Portland, Oregon, and is a recognized leader in the field of cancer
            more diverse, supported by the active development of mAbs.   immunotherapy since 1993. Investigators lead more than 400 active clin­
                                                                  ical trials in key areas such as cancers of the: breast, colon/rectum, pros­
            Under this context, a technology such as nSMOL, which can be
                                                                  tate, lung, esophagus, liver and pancreas, head and neck, ovary, skin and
            used for universal mAbs, can perform multiplex measurements,   blood. Other studies are investigating treatments for COVID­19.
            and ensures very sufficient reproducibility, and will be indispensa-  Learn more
            ble not only for therapeutic mAb monitoring but also for pharma-
            cokinetic studies.

                                       Drs. Fox, Tran, Koguchi (Providence Cancer Institute), Shimada, Iwamoto (Shimadzu)

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