Page 9 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 9


                                      Table 1   List of coffee samples (Experimental coffee set)

                                  a                               b        Harvest  Samples extraction  c  Samples  d
                      No.     Origin         Species           Type
                                                                            year        period    code
                      1       Sumatra      Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    29
                      2       Sumatra      Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    31
                      3       Sumatra      Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    39
                      4        Bali        Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    33
                      5        Java        Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    24
                      6        Java        Coffea arabica    Kopi Luwak     2011      Sept 2011    26
                      7       Sumatra      Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    30
                      8       Sumatra      Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    32
                      9       Sumatra      Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    40
                      10       Bali        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2010      Sept 2011    34
                      11       Java        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    22
                      12       Java        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    41
                      13       Java        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2010      Sept 2011    42
                      14       Java        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    45
                      15       Bali        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    43
                      16       Bali        Coffea arabica   Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    44
                      17      Sumatra     Coffea canephora   Kopi Luwak     2010      Sept 2011    35
                      18      Sumatra     Coffea canephora  Regular coffee  2010      Sept 2011    36
                      19       Java       Coffea canephora  Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    46
                      20       Java       Coffea canephora  Regular coffee  2011      Sept 2011    47
                      21       Java       Coffea canephora  Regular coffee  2010      Sept 2011    51
                   a   Samples no.1 – 5 and 7 – 11 were originated from same cultivation area
                   b   Processing: regular coffee (wet fermentation after harvested), Kopi Luwak (after secreted by animal, washed, and then wet-fermentation)
                   c   Samples were obtained from ICCRI during harvest period (around June 2011). Samples from 2010 are ICCRI’s coffee collection.
                     All samples were stored at 4°C and extracted per September 2011
                   d   For multivariate analysis
            Table 2a   List of coffee samples (Validation coffee set) for the GC/MS-based metabolite profiling to seek for discriminant markers
                         a                                            Production  Samples
             No.     Brand         Origin    Species      Species
                                                                        year  extraction period
             1  Kopi Luwak Andungsari  East Java, Indonesia  Arabica  (Authentic) Kopi Luwak  2012  Feb 2013  a   Provider 1 ICCRI
             2   Golden Kopi Luwak  West Java, Indonesia  Arabica  (Commercial) Kopi Luwak  2012  Feb 2013  2 CV. Kopi Luwak
                                                                                            3 Wahana-Mandheling Kopi
             3  Kopi Luwak Wahana  Sumatra, Indonesia  Arabica  (Commercial) Kopi Luwak  2012  Feb 2013  4 Hema-Wiwi Bali
             4    Kopi Luwak Bali  Bali, Indonesia  Unknown  (Commercial) Kopi Luwak  2011  Feb 2013  5 Wahana-Mandheling Kopi
             5     Kopi Wahana  Sumatra, Indonesia  Arabica  (Commercial) regular coffee  2012  Feb 2013  6 Hiro coffee
             6     Kona coffee   Hawaii, USA  Arabica  (Commercial) regular coffee  2012  Feb 2013  7 Hiro coffee
                                                                                            8 Hiro coffee
             7  Cerrado Chapado coffee  Brazil  Arabica  (Commercial) regular coffee  2012  Feb 2013  9 PT. Java Prima Abadi
             8     Aceh Special  Sumatra, Indonesia  Arabica  (Commercial) regular coffee  2012  Feb 2013  b   Blend between Golden Kopi Luwak (No.2) and
             9     White Koffie  Java, Indonesia  Arabica  adulteration coffee  2012  Feb 2013    Kopi Wahana (No.5) with ratio 50:50 (w/w)
             10   Blend coffee A  b                                                  c   Blend between Kopi Luwak Wahana (No.3) and
             11   Blend coffee B  c                                                    Kopi Wahana (No.5) with ratio 50:50 (w/w)
            Table 2b   List of coffee samples (Validation coffee set) for the GC/FID-based metabolite fingerprinting for validation of method for routine analysis
                           a                                                      b
              No.      Brand       Production area  Classification  Production year  Samples ID
              1      Andungsari    Java, Indonesia  Civet coffee (authentic)  2012  Au_1
              2      Andungsari    Java, Indonesia  Civet coffee (authentic)  2013  Au_2
              3        Golden      Java, Indonesia  Civet coffee (commercial)  2012  GO
              4       Wahana      Sumatra, Indonesia  Civet coffee (commercial)  2012  WL
              5         Bali        Bali, Indonesia  Civet coffee (commercial)  2011  BA  a   Provider 1, 2 ICCRI, Indonesia
              6       Wahana      Sumatra, Indonesia  Regular coffee (commercial)  2012  WR  3 CV. Kopi Luwak, Indonesia
                                                                                          4, 5 Wahana-Mandheling, Indonesia
              7        Kona         Hawaii, USA  Regular coffee (commercial)  2012  KO
                                                                                           6 Hema-Wiwi Bali, Indonesia
              8    Cerrado Chapado   Brazil, Brazil  Regular coffee (commercial)  2012  CE  7, 8 Hiro coffee, Japan
              9   Coffee blends (9 samples)  Combination of 3 civet coffee (commercial) & 3 regular coffee (commercial)  b   For multivariate analysis
            GC/FID and GC/MS analysis                          ionization (EI) was applied to generate ion. Spectra were recorded
                                                               by 10000 u/sec within mass range 85 - 500 m/z. Standard alkane
            GC/MS analysis was carried out using GC-Q/MS, GCMS-QP 2010   mixture (C8-C40) was injected at the beginning and end of analysis
            Ultra (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), installed with CP-SIL 8 CB low   for tentative identification.
            bleed column; 0.25 mm × 30 m, 0.25 µm (Varian Inc., Palo Alto,   GC/FID was conducted on a GC-2010 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan)
            California, USA) and AOC-20i/s autoinjector (Shimadzu, Kyoto,   installed with an AOC-20s autosampler and AOC-20i autoinjector.
            Japan) as an autosampler. Mass spectrometer was tuned and   One microliter of each derivatized sample was injected in split
            calibrated prior to analysis. A 1 µL of derivatized sample was   mode, 25/1 (v/v). To establish proper comparison and validation
            injected in split mode, 25/1 (v/v), with injection temperature was   with the reported GC/MS data, the same type of column, CP-SIL 8
            set to 230°C. The carrier gas flow (Helium) was 1.12 mL/minute   CB low bleed column (0.25 mm × 30 m, 0.25 µm), and identical
            with linear velocity, 39 cm/sec. The column temperature was held   temperature program were applied to GC/FID analysis. The carrier
            at 80°C for 2 minute, raised by 15°C/minute to 330°C, and then   gas (He) was maintained at a constant velocity of 45 cm/s. The
            held for 6 minute. Transfer line and ion source temperature was   injector and FID temperature were set at 230 and 320°C,
            set to 250°C and 200°C, respectively. A 0.93 kV of electron   respectively.

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