Page 8 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 8


            Discrimination of Kopi Luwak and regular coffee has been   2. Experimental
            achieved using electronic nose data . However, selection of
            discriminant marker for authentication was not addressed. The   Samples and chemicals
            method currently employed by Kopi Luwak producers is by visual
                                                               Samples were divided into experimental and validation coffee sets.
            and organoleptic testing. Both methods are inadequate because
                                                               The first set included twenty one coffee beans that were collected
            visual examination would only be possible for green coffee bean
                                                               from several cultivation areas in Indonesia. Kopi Luwak and
            prior to roasting. As for organoleptic testing, trained experts that
                                                               regular coffee samples of two species, Coffea arabica (Arabica)
            could discriminate Kopi Luwak are very few and the test tends to
                                                               and Coffea canephora (Robusta), were utilized. Coffee samples
            be highly subjective.
                                                               were obtained from 21 sampling points of three cultivation areas
                                                               in Indonesia (Java, Sumatera, Bali) as shown in Table 1. In the
            Information flows in metabolic pathways are highly dynamic and
                                                               second experiment for GC-FID application, one Robusta civet
            represent current biological state of individual cells. Hence,
                                                               coffee sample (Sample no. 17 in Table 1) is removed from analysis
            metabolome has been considered as the best descriptor of
                                                               resulting in only 20 coffee bean samples. The experimental coffee
            physiological phenomenon . With this capability, metabolomics
                                                               sets include civet coffee (no. 1-6, Arabica) that had been digested
            technique can be a powerful tool to elucidate variations in
                                                               by civet, and undigested beans referred to as regular coffees (no.
            phenotype imposed by any perturbations such as gene
                                                               7-20, Arabica and Robusta). All coffee samples were treated
            modification, environmental factor, and physical stress.  Processes
                                                               identically for post harvesting. Coffee samples were roasted in
            inside animal digestive tract could be translated as physical and
                                                               Probat-Werke von Gimborn Maschinenfabrik GmbH model BRZ 2
            enzymatic stress to coffee bean, as it reported to pose smoother
                                                               (Probat, Rhein, Germany) at 205°C for 10 min and followed by
            surface and color changes after digestion . Thus, metabolomics
                                                               immediate air-cooling for 5 min. Roasted coffee beans were kept
            technique was selected to seek and select discriminant marker for
                                                               in sealed Falcon tubes at -30°C until use.
            authenticity assessment of Kopi Luwak. Metabolomics technique
                                                               The second set of coffee samples included validation coffee sets.
            has been effectively applied to distinguish phytochemical
                                                               The first validation set consists of authentic Kopi Luwak,
            compositions of agricultural products among different origins,
                                                               commercial Kopi Luwak, commercial regular coffee,
            varieties, and cultivars for quality control and breeding .
                                                               imitation/adulteration coffee, and blend coffee (Table 2a). The
                                                               second validation set consists of 3 civet coffees and 3 regular
            In this study, gas chromatography coupled with quadrupole mass
                                                               coffees were bought commercially and 2 additional authentic civet
            spectrometry (GC-Q/MS) based metabolic profiling was employed
                                                               coffees from the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute
            to identify discriminant marker for differentiation of Kopi Luwak
                                                               (Table 2b). In addition, each civet coffee and regular coffee was
            and regular coffee. A combination of gas chromatography and
                                                               mixed in equal proportions (50:50, wt %) to obtain representative
            mass spectrometry (GC/MS) has demonstrated as an effective
                                                               coffee blends. A total of 17 coffee samples, 8 pure and 9 coffee
            analytical platform as it provides high sensitivity, reproducibility
                                                               blends, were then analyzed by GC/MS to verify the established
            and quantitation of large amount of metabolites within a single
                                                               protocol for coffee authentication. All coffee samples were
            step extraction . Samples classification by means of
                                                               measured in triplicates. All chemicals used in this study were
            chemometrics was performed using principal component analysis
                                                               analytical grade.
            (PCA). Subsequently, orthogonal projection to latent structures
            combined with discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) and significance
            analysis of microarrays/metabolites (SAM) to identify statistically   Extraction and derivatization
            significant compounds as discriminant marker candidates, was
            utilized 10-11 . The applicability of discriminant marker candidates   To produce fine powder for extraction, coffee beans were ground
            was verified to determine authenticity of commercial coffee.  with a Retsch ball mill (20 Hz, 3 min). Fifteen mg of coffee powder
                                                               was extracted with 1 mL MeOH/CHCl3/H2O (5/2/2) and added with
            However, a major drawback of this GC-MS-based approach is the   60 µL of ribitol (0.2 mg/mL) as internal standard. The samples
            high cost of the instrument and maintenance. Therefore, an   were centrifuged at 16000 g for 3 min at 4°C. Nine hundred
            alternative method is needed for quality and authenticity   microliter of the supernatant was then transferred into 1.5 mL
            evaluation of civet coffee. A rapid, reliable and cost-effective   Eppendorf tube and added with 400 µL Milli-Q water. After
            analysis employing a universal detector, GC coupled with flame   re-centrifugation, 400 µL aqueous layer was transferred into a
            ionization detector (FID), and metabolite fingerprinting has been   new tube with a pierced cap. The extract was evaporated by
            established for discrimination analysis of 37 commercial and   vacuum centrifugation for 2 h and freeze-drying overnight. The
            non-commercial coffee beans extracts. GC/FID provided higher   dried extract was mixed with 100 µL of methoxyamine
            sensitivity over a similar range of detected compounds than   hydrochloride (20 mg/mL in pyridine) and subsequently incubated
            GC/MS. In combination with multivariate analysis, GC/FID could   at 30°C for 90 min. The second agent, 50 µL MSTFA was added to
            successfully reproduce quality prediction from GC/MS for   the mixture and re-incubated at 37°C for 90 min.
            differentiation of commercial civet coffee, regular coffee and
            coffee blend with 50 wt % civet coffee content without prior
            metabolite details. Our study demonstrated that GC/FID-based
            metabolite fingerprinting can be effectively actualized as an
            alternative method for coffee authenticity screening in industries .
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