Page 11 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 11


            research objectives. However, the conventional Q/MS can be operated   having two or more classes, OPLS-DA is the most suitable analysis
            only at slow scan rate . With the improvement of processor and   platform to isolate and select differentiation marker. The analysis
            high-speed data processing, newly developed GC-Q/MS provides   provides visualization of the covariance and correlation between
            increased sensitivity in high scan speed up to 10,000 u/sec .   compounds and the constructed discrimination model. Compounds
            Total of 182 peaks from 21 coffee bean samples were extracted using   that are highly contribute to the model and their reliability may
            freely available software, MetAlign. Twenty compounds were   possess potentially biochemically interesting characteristic, thus it can
            tentatively identified by comparison with in-house library (retention   be selected as biomarker candidates . The S-plot featured in OPLS-DA
            index) and NIST library (retention time) and six compounds were   visualizes covariance (contribution or magnitude) and correlation
            identified by co-injecting authentic standards. Tentatively identified   (reliability) between metabolites and modelled clas . Potential
            compounds consist of organic acids, sugars, amino acids, and other   candidates of discriminant markers for authenticity assessment of Kopi
            compounds. Compounds that have been reported previously in   Luwak can be selected via S-plot by setting the cut off for covariance,
            research of coffee bean, including chlorogenic acid, quinic acid,   p[1], and correlation value, p[corr], > |0.2|. S-plot of coffee data sets
            succinic acid, citric acid, and malic acid, caffeine, one of compounds   was shown in Fig. 1 In addition to cut off value, compounds for
            for bitter taste in coffee, and sucrose, the most abundant simple   candidates of discriminant markers were selected by its VIP (variable
            carbohydrates in coffee beans, were identified . 1  importance in projection) value. Large VIP (> 1) values are more
            To explore an overview of all samples and to obtain general   relevant for model construction.
            information on sample variances, unsupervised multivariate analysis,   OPLS-DA score plot of Arabica coffee data sets were shown in Fig.
            PCA, was selected. In previous research, PCA score plot derived from   1A. Discrimination between Kopi Luwak and regular coffee was
            21 coffee bean displayed differentiation of two data groups based on   obtained. The model explained the goodness-of-fit parameter (R ) and
            their species, Arabica and Robusta. Due to large variance between   the predictability parameter (Q ), 0.965 and 0.892, respectively (0.936
            Arabica and Robusta coffee, samples differentiation based on type of   and 0.829 after cross validation). This model was considered good
            coffee (Kopi Luwak and regular coffee) could not be observed. PCA   based on the above criteria. Significant compounds for samples
            score plot showed data separation based on type of coffee, in which   separation were plotted at the top and bottom of S-plot. Interestingly,
            Kopi Luwak (digested by animal) and regular coffee (not digested) can   compounds uncorrelated with Kopi Luwak were quinic acid, caffeine
            be clearly separated only when the analyses were carried out   and caffeic acid. As for predictive compounds (component to correlate
            independently for each coffee species originated from same cultivation   with Kopi Luwak) in above cut-off value, consist of citric acid, malic
            area (data not shown).                             acid and glycolic acid. OPLS-DA score plot of Robusta coffee data sets
                                                               (Fig. 1B) were explained by R  and Q , 0.957 and 0.818, respectively
                                                               (0.957 and 0.833 after cross validation). Inositol and caffeine (p,
            Discriminant analysis to select candidates of discriminant marker
                                                               p[corr] exceeded cut-off value), were selected as discriminant marker
            An overview of all data samples was provided by unsupervised   candidates from OPLS-DA.
            analysis, PCA. However, the detail information regarding contributed   We employed significance analysis of microarrays/metabolites (SAM) to
            compounds for the data differentiation of Kopi Luwak and regular   select significant compounds for discriminant marker as comparison to
            coffee remain unclear. Therefore, coffee bean data sets were   OPLS-DA. SAM indicates a total of 12 compounds considered as
            subjected to supervised discriminant analysis, OPLS-DA. For analysis   significant in Arabica coffee data set (Fig. 2). Of those compounds,

                                                                          Table 3   Tentative identification
                                                                                 Retention time   RSD of tR  Identification  a
                                                                                 (tR) in minute  (n=3)  method
                                                                      Pyruvate      4.69     0.094    a
                                                                      Lactic acid   4.79     0.086    a, b
                                                                     Glycolic acid  4.99     0.079   a, b, c
                                                                       Oxalate      5.62     0.074    a
                                                                     Succinic acid  7.54     0.615    a, b
                                                                     Glyceric acid  7.65     0.051    a, b
                                                                     Fumaric acid   7.89     0.051    a, b
                                                                      Malic acid    9.09     0.039   a, b, c
                                                                     Aspartic acid  9.37     2.16     a, b
                                                                    Pyroglutamic acid  9.47  0.04    a, b, c
                                                                      Pyrogallol    9.59     0.041    a
                                                                      Arabinose    10.47     0.035    a, b
                                                                       Arabitol     10.9     0.034    a, b
                                                                     Shikimic acid  11.57    0.032    a
                                                                      Citric acid  11.68     0.031   a, b, c
                                                                      Quinic acid  11.93     0.032    a
                                                                      Fructose      12       0.031    a, b
                                                                       Glucose     12.15     0.041    a, b
                                                                      Caffeine     12.18     0.038   a, b, c
                                                                       Inositol     13.5     0.028   a, b, c
                                                                     Caffeic acid  13.85     0.025    a, b
             Fig. 2   SAM analysis derived from Kopi Luwak (Arabica) and all   Tryptophan  14.36  0.602  a, b
                                                                   Octadecanoic acid  14.49  0.025    a, b
                   regular coffee data sets of experimental coffee set.
                                                                       Sucrose     16.49     0.023    a, b
                   Twelve detected peaks (highlighted by green color) were   Melibiose  17.33  0.025  a, b
                   considered significant. The list including glycolic acid,   Chlorogenic acid  18.76  0.025  a
                   malic acid, citric acid, quinic acid and unidentified peaks.  a   (a = in-house library, b = NIST library, c = authentic standard)

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