Page 12 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 12


            citric acid, glycolic acid, and malic acid, identified from OPLS-DA, and   differentiation. Similar to prior strategy, separation of those four
            other unidentified peaks were included. In Robusta coffee data set, 9   groups coffee was observed. The PCA was explained by 59.5% and
            significant compounds were found. The result showed that inositol,   20.9% variance in PC1 and PC2, respectively (Fig. 3). Imitation coffee
            caffeine and pyroglutamic acid and six unidentified peaks possessed   was populated separately by PC1. Separation was likely due to
            high significance in SAM . Candidates of discriminant marker for   attempt by producer in order to obtain close characteristic of Kopi
            authentication assessment for Arabica and Robusta coffee were listed   Luwak. In PC2, commercial Kopi Luwak, blend coffee, and commercial
            in Table 3. Marker candidates were selected for those met with   regular coffee could be differentiated. Both authentic and commercial
            significant criteria in both OPLS-DA and SAM. Discriminant markers   Kopi Luwak was clustered within near area. In spite of originated from
            were then selected independently for Arabica and Robusta coffee due   different country and processed with different parameter, commercial
            to great variances among coffee species.           regular coffee were clustered in near region, suggesting these factors
                                                               have least significance for data separation. From the loading plot
                                                               information, citric acid, malic acid and inositol exhibited high
            Validation of the applicability of discriminant marker for   contribution value for Kopi Luwak data sets. Interestingly, these three
            authenticity assessment                            marker candidates also showed highest VIP value for constructing
                                                               discriminant model (Table 1).
            To verify the applicability of selected marker candidates, we have
                                                               To display the applicability of selected discriminant markers to
            conducted analysis of validation set including authentic Kopi Luwak,
                                                               differentiate samples in validation set, box plot was constructed using
            commercial Kopi Luwak, commercial regular coffee, adulteration
                                                               relative peak intensity of citric acid, malic acid and inositol. Box plot of
            coffee, and blend coffee. Processing of authentic Kopi Luwak was
                                                               malic acid and citric acid were able to differentiate commercial Kopi
            controlled comprehensively. To provide unbiased analysis, the rest of
                                                               Luwak (Kopi Luwak Wahana), blend coffee, commercial regular coffee
            samples were purchased commercially. In general, from harvest to
                                                               (Kopi Wahana) and adulteration coffee. However, box plot of inositol
            pre-roasting, samples labelled as “commercial Kopi Luwak” and
                                                               failed to differentiate these samples. Hence, we selected double
            “commercial regular coffee”, were processed in similar way to produce
                                                               marker ratio, inositol/pyroglutamic acid (Fig. 4). Pyroglutamic acid was
            Kopi Luwak and regular coffee in the experimental set, respectively.
                                                               selected for having lowest contribution for separation of Kopi Luwak
            However during roasting, their respective providers often to apply
                                                               and regular coffee. We confirmed ratio of blend coffee by quantitate
            different parameter. Imitation coffee was processed to reduce its
                                                               the constituent of discriminant marker. Analytical parameter for
            acidity in order to obtain characteristic close to Kopi Luwak .
                                                               quantitation was shown in Table 3. All authentic standards exhibited
            Commercial regular coffees were selected from different cultivation
                                                               good linearity of 0.99 or more for at least seven points in the applied
            area. To examine feasibility the selected marker to differentiate pure
                                                               concentration range. To examine the validity of quantitation, limit of
            and blend coffee, we mixed two commercial Kopi Luwak, Golden Kopi
                                                               detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation for each discriminant marker
            Luwak and Kopi Luwak Wahana, and commercial regular coffee (Kopi
                                                               were also determined. The amount of six discriminant marker
            Wahana) with ratio 50:50 (w/w), respectively, to compare applicability
                                                               candidates in coffee sample was quantitated higher than the LOD and
            of discriminant marker to perform when blending was carried out by
                                                               LOQ of authentic standards. Concentration of selected marker (malic
            coffee beans from same and different cultivation area.
                                                               acid, citric acid, and inositol/pyroglutamic acid) in all blend samples
            By employing all detected peaks to PCA, samples were populated into
                                                               was in range of 48.5 ± 0.02 to 52.3 ± 0.75% (Fig. 4). The result
            four clusters with the largest variance correspond to imitation coffee
                                                               corresponded well with box plot of peak intensity for each
            as it clearly separated from others (data not shown). Next, we
                                                               discriminant marker. We confirmed feasibility of the proposed strategy
            projected six marker candidates as inclusion list into PCA to obtain
                                                               for robust authentication of Kopi Luwak in pure and blend coffee for
            overview of applicability of marker candidates for samples
                                                               ratio of 50:50.

             Fig. 3   PCA score plot of validation coffee set. Separation with adulteration coffee was obtained in PC1, while commercial
                  Kopi Luwak, blend coffee and commercial regular coffee can be differentiated in PC2

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