Page 14 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 14


            Fig. 6   OPLS-DA score plots and S-plots based on (A,C) GC/FID  and (B, D) GC/MS chromatograms of 20 coffee bean extracts.
                  The S-plot displayed the covariance p against correlation p(corr) of the variables to the model class designation. The
                  closed diamonds represent each variable (detected peak) used for model construction; identities of variables with high
                  reliability to civet coffee are given in the inset figure.

            GC/FID-based metabolite fingerprinting for Kopi Luwak

            We compared the chromatogram obtained from GC/FID with the   data are often subject to unwanted variations , the retention time
            one from GC/MS analysis reported previously (2) using the same   shift reported here, albeit not severe, may be due to experimental
            coffee extract and column type. The chromatographic data of   variation between analytical instruments.
            GC/FID and GC/MS gave similar metabolite patterns as shown in   Although the overall chromatographic profiles between GC/FID
            Fig. 5, which contained the peaks from diverse metabolites, i.e.   and GC/MS were similar, it is noticeable that GC/FID analysis
            glycolic acid (peak no. 1), malic acid (peak no. 2), pyroglutamic   provided higher relative peak intensity than GC/MS for almost all
            acid (peak no. 3), citric acid, (peak no. 4) quinic acid (peak no. 5),   detected peaks. The higher relative peak intensity often implies
            inositol (peak no. 6), sucrose (peak no. 7) and chlorogenic acid   higher sensitivity as GC/FID analysis has been described to
            (peak no. 8). A total of 678 peaks were obtained from GC/FID,   generate higher sensitivity compared to the mass detector which
            compared to 182 peaks from GC/MS analysis.         frequently operated in a full-scan mode for gathering entire
            For metabolite fingerprinting, it is not necessary to determine the   profiles of biological sample . Measurement of total ions over
            individual information of every peak . Nonetheless to confirm the   mass range resulted in the limitation of sensitivity for the mass
            overall quality of GC/FID analysis, peak confirmation of the GC/FID   detector. The efficient reduction of relative intensity for detected
            chromatogram was performed by comparing to the identified   peaks within the range of 4.2 and 6 min was also observable for
            peaks in the GC/MS data and co-injection of authentic chemical   GC/FID analysis. The peaks were confirmed by comparison with
            standards. Whilst most of the detected peaks that represented key   the NIST library and identified as siloxane, common peak
            coffee metabolites were identical between GC/FID and GC/MS, we   contaminants from injector and vial septa. The result was
            also observed a shift in their retention times, such as in glycolic   explicable since FID primarily responds to a wide variety of
            acid (5.02 and 4.96 min), malic acid (9.11 and 9.05 min), and   carbon-containing organic compounds whereas a mass detector
            citric acid (11.68 and 11.61 min), respectively. Since metabolomics   relies on the recognition of the entire ionized and fragmented

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