Page 5 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 5

Insight from Customer

            Do you have any requests to us?

            My request to Shimadzu is the improvement of software for data
            analysis and the application data, which is not so excellent at this
            moment. We recently established collaborative laboratory, named
            Osaka University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Laboratory and
            we hope that this laboratory will contribute to expand and increase
            the application area. Just a personal opinion, Shimadzu should also
            put more investment in the instrument design to make it more

            Why did you choose Professor Fukusaki’s laboratory as
            your destination of studying abroad?

            I was born and raised in Indonesia and moved to Japan in 2004 to
            pursue my master and PhD studies in the International Center for
            Biotechnology, Osaka University under Prof. Takuya Nihira’s
            supervision. My PhD work was about structure elucidation of novel
            bioactive compounds from various natural products and I am also a
            trained microbiologist. I became interested in the rapidly developing
            field of metabolomics and joined Prof. Fukusaki’s laboratory in
            January 2011 as a postdoctoral researcher. At that time, there were
            various metabolomics projects in Fukusaki lab and I was really
            interested to learn more about the application of metabolomics in
            various disciplines, including food science, biofuel research and
            medical applications. Prof.Fukusaki is one of the leading researchers
            in food metabolomics and he has extensive collaborations with many
            Japanese companies as well as domestic and international research
            institutes and universities. Most importantly, his laboratory is very
            open to international students and it gave me a chance to become a   Do you have anything to add about both the research
            global researcher. In fact, his laboratory is an excellent place for early   project and the instruments?
            career researchers such as myself to improve their careers.
            Now I would like to ask Professor Fukusaki. I have heard   One of the most important outcomes of this Kopi Luwak research
            that you have accepted a lot of students from abroad   project is that the method that we develop can be applied as a
            and promote their exchange. What are the benefits?  standard routine procedure for Kopi Luwak authentication. For this
                                                               purpose, we recently published another paper entitled “Application
            Fukusaki:                                          of GC/FID-based metabolite fingerprinting for authentication of
                                                               Asian palm civet coffee (Kopi Luwak)”. Since GC/FID system is cost
            Osaka University aims to establish a global campus, where students   effective and is readily available in our research collaborator’s
            can learn in an international surroundings and interact with students   institute, we hope that this system can be a practical method for
            coming from many different countries and cultural background. I   authentication in Kopi Luwak industry.
            would like to offer students new opportunities for developing their
            professional skills in multiple disciplines and communication skills to
            take active parts in the international scenes. I also believe that the   Could you share your vision of your research and what
            international atmosphere in our laboratory will lead to the expansion   instrumentation or functions you need to achieve your
            of our collaboration network as well as strengthening our leading   research goal?
            position in the field of metabolomics.
                                                               Our laboratory’s main core is mass spectrometry-based
                                                               metabolomics, with very wide applications in various fields. We
                                                               currently have 16 mass spectrometers in our laboratory, including
                                                               GC/MS, LC/MS, CE/MS, and SFC/MS. In the near future, our
                                                               laboratory will expand the application area of metabolomics and
                                                               enrich our toolbox by incorporating NMR technology and imaging
                                                               mass spectrometry. We are also continuously making efforts to
                                                               maintain a strong pipeline of collaboration with the private sector as
                                                               well as domestic and international academic institutions.

                                                               It was precious and significant to know what you think
                                                               of us. Thank you very much.

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