Page 4 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 4

Insight from Customer

                Dr. Sastia Prama Putri and Professor Eiichiro Fukusaki
                from Osaka University

            We interviewed Dr. Sastia Prama Putri, a specially-appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology,
            Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, and Professor Eiichiro Fukusaki, a leading expert in food
            metabolomics, about the collaborative research between Osaka University and Indonesian research institute since
            2011. One of the significant results was finding out the discriminant marker of the Indonesian Kopi Luwak, which is
            known as the world’s most expensive coffee, but there is no standard method for determining its authenticity. It
            recently gained worldwide attention and was featured in many mass media including USA Today, BBC UK and so on.

            Thank you very much for spending some time for this   What discoveries or achievements have you made so far?
            interview. First, I would like to know about Dr. Putri and
            your project with the Indonesian government. Could   Putri:
            you introduce yourself and tell us about the project   We are very fortunate that through a solid collaboration between
            including its background, when it has started, what the   Osaka University and researchers in Indonesia, we could identify the
            goal is, your mission and so on?                   discriminant markers for authentication of Kopi Luwak. This research
                                                               provides a basis for a standardized method for Kopi Luwak
            Putri:                                             authentication. We were also able to discriminate pure Kopi Luwak
            I am originally from Indonesia and I started my career in metabolomics   from those which are blended with other coffee thus, addressing the
            after joining Prof. Fukusaki’s lab in 2011. Together with a Ph.D. student   issue on Kopi Luwak adulteration.
            from Indonesia, Mr. Udi Jumhawan, we did some brainstorming on the
            possible research problems that can be solved using the metabolomics
            approach. We were particularly interested in applying the metabolomics
            technology to something relevant and unique to Indonesia. Finally, we
            chose Kopi Luwak because of its high economic value. It is a valuable
            export commodity for Indonesia, and despite its popularity, very few
            research groups are working on Kopi Luwak. We realized that one of
            the most important aspects to pursue in this research project is finding
            a solid research partner. Therefore, we contacted the Indonesian Coffee
            and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), one of the leading research
            institutes and producers of specialty coffee in Indonesia. We identified
            the most important problem of the Kopi Luwak industry is the lack of a
            standard method for authentication. This resulted in various attempts of
            adulteration in the market that damaged the reputation of the industry
            as a whole. Meanwhile, metabolomics studies have been proven useful
            for assessing food quality, food safety, food authentication, and
            determining the origin and varietal differences of food samples. We
            introduced the concept of metabolic profiling to our colleagues in ICCRI
            and showed how it can be used to seek for biomarkers that are
            important for Kopi Luwak authentication. They were very positive about
            the collaboration and we started the collaborative project in mid-2011.
            The main purpose of the project was to find biomarkers for Kopi Luwak
            authentication and establish a low cost and reliable method for routine
            analysis for Kopi Luwak authentication in Indonesia.
                                                               What do you evaluate Shimadzu’s instruments? What
                                                               are our advantages over other vendors?
                                                               I feel that Shimadzu mass spectrometers have significantly improved
                                                               in the recent years. In particular, the scan speed of Shimadzu mass
                                                               spectrometer is superior compared to other vendors. I think that
                                                               Shimadzu Nexera is the best LC/MS and the price is also quite

                                                               The sales person and after sales support staff are very kind and
                                                               attentive so I have been very happy with the technical support staff
                                                               of Shimadzu.

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