Page 61 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 61

Testing Systems with Sample Observation Functions

            High-Temperature Fatigue Testing Machine with                                    0.2mm          R&D
            Scanning Electron Microscope
            SEM Servopulser
                                                                                               This shows an example of observing   EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                                                                               the fracture behavior of an aramid
            Real-Time Observation of Microscopic Fractures in the Surface of Samples            ber-reinforced plastic (AFRP) material
                                                                                               in real time during a 3-point bending
            This testing system combines a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a Servopulser   test in a low-vacuum environment at
            electric-hydraulic servo fatigue testing machine. It allows observation of microscopic surface   room temperature.
            fractures on samples in real time, over a wide range of temperatures.

              The SEM microscope is integrated with the main testing machine unit to maximize vibration resistance.  Fatigue Testing Machine
              Crack propagation tests can be done while observing samples with the SEM microscope.  Key Speci cations
              Cyclic loads can be applied to samples at temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 800 °C.  Maximum test force 10 kN (varies depending on the jig used)
              Allows the SEM  eld of view to be aligned with the deformation area when loading samples   +10 mm in tension or -10 mm in compression
              during testing.                                          Maximum stroke  (-5 mm for high-temperature testing)
                                                                       Cycle speed  0.001 to 5 Hz (sine wave)
                                                                       Test waveforms  Sine, triangular, ramp, and trapezoidal waveforms
                                                                       Test temperature   R.T. +300 to +800 °C (higher temperatures are optional)

                                                                         Scanning Electron Microscope
                                                                      Microscope Speci cations
                                                                       Resolution  3nm(30kV)                        EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
                                                                       Magnification settings From 5x to 300,000x, with automatic digital magnification display
                                                                       Observation images Secondary electron image and reflected electron image (optional)

                       Flat sample  Heating coil   Testing Jig (with water-cooled jacket)

            Flat Plate Testing Jig             3-Point Bending Test Jig         High-Temperature Testing Machine (300 to 800 °C)  Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems

            Air-Servo Microfocus X-Ray CT System

            For Understanding the Complicated Localized   R&D
            Phenomena of Materials

            By combining the Air-Servo Mini pneumatic dynamic and fatigue testing system with
            an X-ray CT system, it becomes possible to observe crack propagation
            three-dimensionally and obtain 3D crack data. This 5 kg weight compact fatigue testing   Shimadzu Microfocus X-Ray CT System
            machine is capable of tensile and compression test loads up to 1 kN.
                                                                                             inspeXio SMX-225CT FPD HR
              The loading frame is made of polycarbonate, which offers low X-ray absorption.
              Observes the fatigue status of bones, resin samples, etc. under cyclic tensile or
              compression loads.
                                                                                                  3D CT Image of
              Achieves sharp CT images of cracks with sub-micron accuracy.                        Cracks as They Propagate  Various Dynamic Testing Systems

                                                                 Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System for XT CT Imaging Air-Servo Mini

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