Page 57 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 57

It is possible to con rm the input waveform, stress-strain curve, and various parameters   EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                                          for each acquisition cycle. Data for any speci c point can also be extracted from any
                                                          cycle waveform using the point picking function.

                                                          Dynamic characteristic values can be
                                                          con rmed from each data acquisition cycle.

                                                          Peak value graph
                                                          S-N curves can be plotted automatically from
                                                          test results.

              Basic Software

                        During fatigue/endurance tests, dynamic characteristics can be   Combining fatigue/endurance and static characteristics tests
                        calculated, which allows S-N curves plotting. Data can be   makes it possible to measure the changes in static spring   EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
               Fatigue and   acquired for up to 10,000 cycles (during interval acquisition).  Combination Testing  constants.
             Endurance Testing
                        This allows users to apply static loads, such as tension or   This allows users to combine the loading waveforms available
                        compression, to samples and measuring the static   in the controller, such as ramp and sine waves.
             Static Characteristics   characteristic values (such as the static spring constant).  Program Function
                Testing                                           Testing

              Static Software
                        Available static tests include tensile, compression, 3-point bending, and 4-point bending. Various characteristic values can be calculated
                        automatically. These include elasticity, upper yield point, lower yield point, yield strength, intermediate test force, intermediate displacement,
                        maximum test force, break point, or energy.
               Static Testing

              Frequency-Sweep and Resonance Frequency Tracking Test Software
                        Makes it possible to sweep across to test dynamic characteristics   This makes it possible to automatically detect the resonance
                        over a range of frequencies, and allows endurance testing that   frequency of test samples before applying loads. The frequency   Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
                        repeats sweep cycles. Dynamic characteristic values can also be   can be automatically tracked if it is changed due to sample
             Frequency-Sweep Testing  calculated for each frequency.  Resonance Frequency   fatigue. Acceleration and strain values can be set directly and
                                                                Tracking Testing  automatically readjusted even during testing.

              Multi-Axis Combination Sine Wave Testing Software  Multi-Axis Actual Waveform Testing Software
                                                                           This allows users to load actual working waveform data in CSV
                        This allows use of multiple axes to perform tests with a   format, and to perform sophisticated simulation tests of actual
                        combination of sine waves with different amplitudes.
                                                                           loads by simply starting the test. A strain correction function
            Multi-Axis Combination                              Multi-Axis Working
              Sine Wave Testing                                   Waveform   helps ensure even the waveform details are reproduced
                                                                Simulation Testing  precisely and accurately.
              Fracture Toughness Testing Software

                        Allows data analysis in compliance with the most up-to-date fracture toughness test standards. It supports crack propagation testing, KIC/CTOD testing,
                        and JIC testing.
            Fracture Toughness Testing                                                                               Various Dynamic Testing Systems
                                                    ASTM E399-12, ISO 12737-96       ASTM E1820-11, ASTM E813-89
                  ASTM E647-13,ISO 12108:2012
                                                   BS 7448-1:1991,  ASTM E1820-11          JIS Z 2284-98
            Crack Propagation Testing         KIC/CTOD Testing                  JIC Testing
            This is for evaluating the crack propagation behavior of   This is for evaluating fracture toughness values. It   This is for evaluating elastic fracture toughness values
            notched samples. It is also ideal for introducing   calculates CTOD values corresponding to the fracture   (JIC). It makes it easy to perform JIC tests, which
            preliminary cracks for KIC and JIC testing.  mode and determines the validity of KIC values.  involve complicated procedures.

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