Page 8 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
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Software Features                                                                                                         System Structure

                                                                                                                                      An evolved nano particle size analyzer for accurate evaluation of nano particles
               Measurement data from multiple facets – Extensive assortment of data analysis applications included standard –
                                                                                                                                      Measurement unit SALD-7500nano

            The following data analysis applications are included standard.
                                                                                                                                        Violet semiconductor laser (wavelength: 405 nm) is used for the light source. Maintenance, such as gas replacement, is unnecessary.
                                                                                                                                        The detector incorporates 78 elements at the front, 1 element at the side, and 5 elements at the back for a total of 84 elements.
            Evaluation of  Scattering Angle                                                                                             Additionally, high-sensitivity light receptors that support violet semiconductor laser wavelengths are adopted with all detectors.
            Graphs the components of scattered light intensity at each angle. Taking advantage of the features of the highly integrated photodiode   The fixed parts of the cell and cell holder can be pulled out at the front of the unit using a slide mechanism.
            array, it allows evaluating low-angle scattered light with high resolution.
                                                                                                                                        This makes it easy to mount and replace cells, and to perform maintenance.
              Application Fields: Evaluating the scattering characteristics of films and sheets                                         WingSALD ll software is supplied as standard. It offers versatile data processing and simple, high-speed operation to suit every
                                                                                                                                        purpose and processing requirement.
            Data Emulation Function
            Based on SALD series measurement results, this function allows emulating measurement results obtained using other models and   Add optional units to the SALD-7500nano to design a wide range of systems.
            measurement principles. This ensures data compatibility with previous measurement methods.

                     Cumulative %
                                                               51 conversion expressions can be obtained at the cumulative % points
                            SALD Series                        (0.01 %, 2 %, 4 % …… 96 %, 98 %, 99.98 % on vertical axis) to express
                            particle size                      the relationship between the particle size distribution data measured                                                                                 100 mm
                       51 points            Particle size      by SALD-7500nano and that measured by another instrument or                                                                              680 mm       or more  about 400 mm
                            distribution data
                                            distribution of
                                            other analyzer
                                            models/measurement   technology.
                                                               102 parameters ai (i = 1, 2, ..…, 51) and bi (i = 1, 2, ..…, 51) used in 51
                                                               conversion expressions can be stored as a parameter table, which can                                                          280 mm
                                                               be used for emulations.
                                     Particle size
                       99.99 %  1 st  emulation expression: logy 1= (logx 1) x a 1 + b 1  This emulation function may be able to reduce some problems when
                       98 %  2 nd  conversion expression: logy 2= (logx 2) x a 2 + b 2  an old particle size analyzer is upgraded to a new instrument.                                                         about 1180 mm
                         ····································  ·····················································································  The same samples must be measured by two instruments in order to  Measurement unit SALD-7500nano
                                                               develop the parameter table for emulations.
                           i th   conversion  expression:  logy i= (logx i) x a i  +  b i
                       2 %  ·····················································································                         The batch cell and the high-concentration measurement unit can be set in the measurement unit.
                           50 th  conversion expression: logy 50= (logx 50) x a 50 + b 50
                       0.01 %  51 st  conversion expression: logy 51= (logx 51) x a 51 + b 51                                             Small-volume Measurement System (SALD-7500nano and SALD-BC75)
                                                                                                                                          High-Concentration Measurement System (SALD-7500nano and SALD-HC75)
            Mixture Data Simulation Function                                                                                              Ultra Small-Volume Measurement System (SALD-7500nano and SALD-HC75 and “Glass Slides with Indentation”)
            Allows simulating particle size distributions using any mixture ratio of multiple particle size distributions. This makes it possible to
            determine the optimal mixture ratio for obtaining the desired particle size distribution, without the trouble of repeatedly measuring the
            particle size distribution of sample mixtures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     100 mm               100 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                     or more   820 mm     or more  about 400 mm
            Data Connecting Function                                                                                                                                                             100 mm  or more
            Allows combining the measurement results for two different measurement ranges at any particle size point to create a single particle
            size distribution. For example, sieve data for particles above 2000 µm can be combined with SALD series data for particles below 2000 µm                                         640 mm or more
            to create a wide-ranging particle size distribution, which is required for civil engineering, disaster prevention, and environmental fields.                                          540 mm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1420 mm or more
               More efficient processing of multiple sets of data
                                                                                                                                                   Wet Measurement System
                                                                                                                                                SALD-7500nano and SALD-MS75
            Multiple sets of data can be stored as a group. In addition to organizing the data, it makes redisplaying and reanalyzing it easier.
            Data can be loaded as a group and displayed or analyzed at the same time, rather than having to load each set of data separately.

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