Page 7 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
P. 7

Software Features

 Eliminates the mistake or trouble of selecting refractive indices  Particle size distribution data and light intensity distribution data can be displayed in real-time

            This means that changes in the sample over time or shifts in the dispersion status can be monitored in real time. Since both the light
 Automatic Refractive Index Calculation Function
            intensity distribution data, which is the raw data, and particle size data can be monitored simultaneously, both data sets can be
 Selecting a refractive index was an unavoidable part of using the   appropriate refractive index based on the LDR (light intensity   compared to monitor any changes in the status of samples.
 laser diffraction method, where generally a published value was   distribution reproduction) method.
 entered, but such values were not necessarily appropriate,   Top 5 of the refractive index candidates (from No. 1 to No. 5) are
 considering the effects of particle composition and shape.   displayed with the evaluation point, and the particle size
 Therefore, tedious trial and error processes were used to select   distribution caluculated by the refractive index is also displayed as
 refractive indices.  a thumbnail. An appropriate refractive index can be selected
 WingSALD II solves such problems by being the world's first   referring to the evaluation point and the thumbnail. The
 software to include a function that automatically calculates an   refractive index of the main material can be selected from the list.

                                                                           Updates particle size distributions
  Evaluate                                                                   and light intensity in real time

 Specify a range for the
 refractive index
 Display candidates from refractive
 index and particle size calculation results

 Note: The LDR method automatically calculates an appropriate refractive index based on consistency between the actual measured light intensity distribution and one
    reproduced (recalculated) from particle size distribution data. This method was developed by Shimadzu and published in two technical papers. It is sometimes called   Continuous measurement of 1-second interval particle size changes
    the "Kinoshita Method", in academic communities, after the name of Shimadzu’s engineer.
            Changes in particle size distributions and particle diameters are measured continuously, at intervals as short as 1 second, and the results
            are saved. Furthermore, the results can be subjected to multifaceted analysis and evaluation using functions such as 3D graphing. For
 Assist function decreases operational error to ensure more accurate measurement
            example, the reaction processes that occur when particle groups disperse, aggregate, or dissolve can be monitored

 Measurement Assistant Functions: allow preparing SOPs to ensure measurements are always performed using the same
 conditions and procedures.
 Creating, saving, and sharing measurement conditions and
 procedures, including pretreatment methods and conditions,
 ensures measurements are performed using the same conditions   Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)
 and procedures, even if performed by a different operator or at a
 different location or plant, and allows safely comparing data.
 Furthermore, when the measurement assistant function is used,
 measurement instructions for the operator are displayed on the   Particle Diameter (µm)
 screen. This enables even inexperienced operators to perform
 measurements correctly. In addition, administrators and operators
 can be assigned different operating privileges to ensure security.
 Create and save measurement
 Note: SOP is an acronym for Standard Operating Procedure.  conditions and procedures (SOP)
 Procedures, remarks, and other information
 are displayed interactively during
 measurements. This standardizes measurement
 procedures and prevents mistakes.  This is an example of light intensity distribution data and particle size distribution data for the dissolution process of calcium carbonate.
            It shows how dissolution progresses from smaller diameter particles and how the normalized amount of large particles increases.
 Includes security features
 that limit the functionality
 available to operators

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