Page 12 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
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               Hardware                                                                                                                  Software

            General Specifications                                                                                                    WingSALD II
             Measurement principle  Laser Diffraction Method                                                                           Measurement and Data Display Functions
             Measurement range   7 nm (0.007 µm) to 800 µm (when using sampler)                                                        Measurement of Particle Size Distribution  Allows measurements using measurement assistant unction (interactive process based on SOP) and manual mode
                                 7 nm (0.007 µm) to 400 µm (when using batch cell)                                                     Automatic Calculation of Refractive Index  Automatic calculation by Light Intensity Distribution Reproduction (LDR) method based on specified substance name or range
                                 30 nm (0.03 µm) to 280 µm (when using high-concentration sample unit)                                 Real-time Display      Particle size distribution / Light intensity distribution simultaneous display
            Note 1: The measurement range varies according to the shape etc. of the particle.                                          Recalculation of Particle Size Distribution  Max. 200 data batch calculation or individual data calculation
                                                                                                                                       Display of Particle Size distribution Data  Max. 200 data overlay graph or individual data graph
            Measurement unit: SALD-7500nano (P/N 347-61710-42 [115V], 347-61710-44 [230V])                                             Display of Light Intensity Distribution  Max. 200 data overlay graph or individual data graph
                                                                                                                                       Diagnostics/Adjustments  Self-diagnostic functions, Cell check functions
             Light source        Semiconductor laser (Wavelength 405 nm)                                                               Statistical Data Processing  Max. 200 data (Max. 200 data overlay graph)
             Light detector      Detector elements for violet semiconductor laser Total 84 elements (78 forward, 1 side, 5 back)       Time Series Analysis   Max. 200 data
             System compliance   Class 1 Laser Product, CE
                                                                                                                                       3-Dimensional Graph    Max. 200 data
             Required power supply  AC 100 V±10 %, 1 A, 50/60 Hz                                                                       Data Transfer via Clipboard  Image Output, Text Output
             Dimensions & weight  Approx. W680 × D280 × H430 mm, Approx. 32 kg
                                                                                                                                       Data Sorting           Sort by file name, sample ID, sample number, or refractive index.
             Operation environment  Temperature: 10 to 30 °C , Humidity: 20 to 80 % (no condensation)                                  Output Conditions
            Note 2: Reference sample and USB cable (2 m) supplied as standard                                                          Particle Size Distribution (µm) Number of Divisions  Fixed 101 / 51 divisions / Optional (can be set by user) 51 divisions
            Note 3: Ultrasonic cleaning instruments are needed for the measurement of reference sample.
                                                                                                                                       Particle Mass Distribution (%) Number of Divisions  Fixed 51 divisions, Optional (can be set by user) 51 divisions
                                                                                                                                       Dimension of Particle Amount  Count, length, area or volume
            Sampler: SALD-MS75 (P/N 347-61711-42 [115V], 347-61711-44 [230V])                                                          Expression of Cumulative Distribution   Undersize, oversize
             Dispersing bath     Capacity: 100 / 200 / 300 mL                                                                          Expression of Data Frequency  q, q / ∆×, q / ∆log×
             Sonicator           Frequency: about32 kHz, output: about 40 W                                                            Smoothing Level        10 Level
             Liquid pump         Radial pump, maximum flow rate 2000 cm /min                                                           Distribution Function Fitting  Rosin-Rammler distribution, logarithmic Gaussian distribution
             Liquid pump material  Stainless (SUS 304, SUS 316), Tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Perfluoroelastmor (FEP)                   Data Shifting          ±10 levels
             Liquid supply pump  Diaphragm pump, maximum flow rate: 750 cm /min                                                        Report Functions       Batch output possible by selecting single data (template 6), overlay data (template 5), statistical data, time-series data, or 3D data
             Liquid supply pump material  Polypropylene                                                                                Data Analysis
             Flow cell           Quartz glass                                                                                          Scattering Angle Evaluation  Max. 200 data overlay graph or individual data graph
             Required power supply  AC 100 V±10 %, 2 A, 50/60 Hz                                                                       Data Conversion Function  Emulation of particle distribution data by other instruments or measuring principles
             Dimensions & weight  Approx. W390 × D520 × H430 mm, Approx.18 kg                                                          Mixing Simulation Function  Max. 6 points
             Operating environment  Temperature: 10 to 30 °C, Humidity: 20 to 80 % (no condensation)                                   Data Connection Function  2 data connections
            Note 4: USB cable (2 m) supplied as standard                                                                               Continuous Measurements Function  Measurement interval: 1 second min., Save up to 200 data points
                                                                                                                                      Note 5: The Light Intensity Distribution Reproduction (LDR) method calculates the refractive index from the conformity between the measured light intensity distribution pattern and the light intensity distribution data
                                                                                                                                          reproduced (calculated) from the particle size distribution data. LDR is a proprietary method developed by Shimadzu. Two papers have been published on this method. It is sometimes called the
            Batch Cell: SALD-BC75 (P/N 347-61712-42)                                                                                      "Kinoshita Method" at academic conferences.
             Cell material       Quartz glass
             Required liquid volume  Approx. 5 cm 3                                                                                   PC Requirements (reference)
             Stirrer mechanism   Up-and-down movement of blade                                                                        The software is included standard on a CD-R with the SALD system (optical system). Install the software on a PC that meets the following specifications.
             Dimensions & weight  Approx. W100 × D120 × H140 mm, Approx. 0.8 kg                                                        OS                     Windows 7 (32 bit version)
             Operating environment  Temperature: 10 to 30 °C, Humidity: 20 to 80 % (no condensation)
                                                                                                                                       CPU                    Pentium Dual-Core 2.5 GHz min
                                                                                                                                       MEMORY                 2 GB min
            High-concentration Measurement Unit: SALD-HC75 (P/N 347-61713-42)                                                          HDD                    Min 1 GB of free space required
                                                                                                                                       CD-ROM Drive           Required software installation
             Cell material       Borosilicate glass
                                                                                                                                       Serial Port            USB×1 (required 2 USB ports for using sampler via PC)
             Required liquid volume  Approx. 0.15 cm 3
                                                                                                                                       Display                SXGA (1280×1024 pixel) min.
             Dimensions & weight  Approx. W20 × D100 × H9 mm, Approx. 0.2 kg
                                                                                                                                       Printer                Must be compatible with operating system
             Operating environment  Temperature: 10 to 30 °C, Humidity: 20 to 80 % (no condensation)

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