Page 15 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
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Particle Size Analyzer Applications  Measurement Technology: Laser Diffraction Method – Measurement principle of SALD-7500nano –

 Particle size distribution is one of the main factors determining   particle size distribution can have a major effect on the   There is a one-to-one correspondence between the particle diameter and the light intensity distribution pattern.
 the characteristics of powders and particles, which are used in a   characteristics desired for a given application or objective, or on   When a particle is irradiated with a laser beam, light is emitted from the
 wide variety of fields for a wide range of objectives and   the performance and quality of a final product. Consequently,   particle in every direction. This is “scattered light”. The intensity of the   (Side)  Scattered  1.0 µm
 applications. In some cases, they are used directly as   measuring the particle size distribution is essential to stabilize   scattered light varies with the scattering angle and describes a spatial   Scattering
 pharmaceuticals, catalysts, additives, or binders while in other   and/or improve the characteristics, performance, or quality of   intensity distribution pattern, known as the “light intensity distribution   angle
 situations they are used as raw ingredients. In either case, the   powders or particles.   pattern”. If the particle diameter is large, the scattered light emitted   (Back)  Laser light  (Forward)
            from the particle isconcentrated in the forward direction (i.e., the   Particle        0.5  µm
            direction of the laser beam), and fluctuates intensely in an angular range
 nm  µm  mm
 nanometers  micrometers  millimeters  too small to be represented in a diagram. Compared to the light emitted   (Side)
            in the forward direction, the intensity of all other light is extremely low.
 10  5 0  1 0 0  5 0 0  1  5  1 0  5 0  1 0 0  500  1  5                 Diffraction / Scattering by Particle
            As the particle diameter becomes smaller, the pattern of the scattered                 0.3
 Liposomes  light spreads outwards. As the particle becomes even smaller, the                         µm
 Acetaminophens  Pharmaceuticals  intensity of the light emitted to the side and backwards becomes higher. The light intensity distribution pattern
            becomes gourd-shaped and spreads out in every direction. Therefore, there is exists a one-to-one correspondence
 Titanium Oxide  between the particle diameter and the light intensity distribution pattern. This means that the particle diameter can
 Talc  Cosmetics
            be ascertained by detecting the light intensity distribution pattern.                  0.2  µm
 Pearl Pigments
 Cornstarch  Violet Laser Allows Accurate Measurements of Ultra-Small Particles.
 Wheat Flour (cake flour)  Food Products
            The light intensity distribution pattern varies little relative to the particle size distribution when the particle size
 Wheat Flour (bread flour)                                                                         0.1  µm
            drops to several tens of nanometers. This is the reason for the minimum limit of detection of the laser diffraction
 Kaolinite  Ceramics  method. A violet laser creates clearer differences in the light intensity distribution pattern at ultra-small particle sizes
 Alumina    than a red laser. Consequently, a violet laser is used to enhance the measurement performance for ultrafine particles
            of the order of several tens of nanometers.
 PVC Powder
 Macromolecules                                                                                    0.05  µm
                                                                                                   0.05 µm
 Acrylic Polymer Beads
            Measurement is performed on particle groups.
 Catalysts  Vanadium Oxide
            Particle size distribution measurement is not performed on individual particles, but rather on particle groups made up
 Zinc Sulfide
 Electronic Materials  of a large number of particles. Particle groups contain particles of different sizes, and the light intensity distribution
 Phosphor                                                                                         Relationship between
 a l C  y  t l i S  S a n d  pattern emitted by a group is composed of all the scattered light emitted from all the individual particles. The particle   particle diameter
 Soil and Civil Engineering Materials  size distribution, in other words, what particle sizes are present in what proportions, can be obtained by detecting   and Light Intensity
 Cement     and analyzing this light intensity distribution pattern. This is the basic principle behind the laser diffraction method.  Distribution pattern
 0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  500 1000  5000
 Particle Size: µm              Forward diffracted/
                                scattered light
                                sensor: Wing sensor ll  Optical System in SALD-7500nano
 Shimadzu particle size analyzers are used in a wide variety of fields for a wide range of purposes and applications.   group  The laser beam emitted from the light source (semiconductor laser) is converted into a thick
                                             beam with a collimator and this is directed at the particle group. The scattered light emitted
 Nano particles are expected to provide benefits as a result of the special properties related to their size. Particle size analyzers provide an extremely   Diffracted/scattered light  from the group in a forward direction at up to a 60° angle is concentrated with a lens, and
 1. Nano particles  Collimator     Diffraction/  concentric scattering images are formed at a detecting plane positioned at a distance equal to
 important tool for developing methods to maintain good dispersion characteristics by ensuring contaminants and aggregates are identified and screened out.  scattering image
                                             the focal length. This is detected with the Wing sensor ll in which light-receiving elements are
 The smaller the particles, the larger their specific surface area and the more quickly they dissolve. In the case of particles in medical injection,   arranged concentrically. The scattered light emitted to the side and backwards is detected with
                               Condenser lens
 2. Pharmaceuticals  the particle size determines how they pass through or penetrate capillaries and blood vessel walls and which parts of the body they reach.   side and back scattered light sensors. The light intensity distribution data can be obtained by
 This has a major influence on the efficacy and side effects of pharmaceuticals.  Violet Semiconductor laser  Side/back scattered light sensors  detecting scattered light data of all directions.
 For lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow, subtle differences in color and shine are controlled by differences in the particle size distribution.   Optical system in SALD-7500nano
 3. Cosmetics
 The smoothness or UV light-blocking properties of creams also vary depending on the particle size distribution.
                                   Back scattered light sensors
 Many food products include powdered ingredients. The mouth, tooth, and tongue feel and other characteristics of bread, cakes, pasta, etc. depend on   Side scattered light sensors  Flow of Light Intensity Detection and Data Processing
 4. Food Products  the particle size distribution. Also, controlling the particle size distribution in beverages is important to ensure consistent quality. For example, smaller
                            Wing sensors ll  With the SALD-7500nano, particle size distributions are calculated using the light intensity
 particle sizes are used in milk and lactic acid beverages to prevent differences in concentration and taste between the upper and lower portions of the container.
              Light Intensity Distribution Pattern  distribution data.
 The strength, density, hardness, heat resistance, water and air permeability, and other characteristics of ceramics depend not only on the type of   The overall flow of detection and data processing is shown in the diagram to the left. The
 5. Ceramics                                 whole range of operations from the detection of scattered light intensity distribution patterns
 ingredient particles, but also significantly on the particle size distribution.   to the calculation of the particle size distribution is executed as one process, and the particle
               Light Intensity Distribution Date  Light Intensity
 6. Macromolecules  When particles are used as ingredients in pipes, films, and sheets, the particle size distribution can affect the strength and light permeability of the final product.  size distribution data is output.
                             Sencor Erement Number  Recalculation of particle size distributions can be performed by using the previously detected
               Calculation of the
 Though chemical reactivity is affected by the specific surface area and pore structure, given the same material, the chemical reactivity can be   particle size distribution  and saved light intensity distribution data and selecting a refractive index that is different from
 7. Catalysts
 controlled by varying the particle size distribution.  the time of measurement.
               Particle size distribution data  Narmalized Particle Amount
 The manner and degree to which particle size affects electronic materials differ depending on the application and material. However, the quality
 8. Electronic Materials
 control of particle size distribution is increasingly required to ensure higher and more consistent quality of the final product.   Particle Diameter (µm)
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